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About beanut21

  • Birthday 03/06/1972

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  • Interests
    All things Fishing, Hunting. Timberframing, Natural Building.

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  1. I like the girl in photo #2. So clean and fresh !
  2. X2 , Having fished it in April and done well on a mix of dropbacks and fresh fish. Sure there's lots up top, maybe the bulk of them, but those reports come from the guys who fish up there and not down lower. The Salmon has a looong stretch of fishable water and fish throughout. Peace
  3. Was a fine weekend to say the least. Paul, Mike Z, Adam, Chess, Bill and Mike B, Thank you. Grateful to have been a part of it. Too classic MIke, you and Bill and that fresh pod of chromers.Glad to be able to say my camera survived the swim ! Looking forward to the next time , Oliver
  4. Thanks Chris, so you are a Turkey Hunter, Great!. Replied with a pm before I saw your post. O
  5. Hi Guys, I'm looking for someone who might be interested in getting together for a day or two as well possibly making a new friend. I live outside of Brockville on a 350 acre farm. The turkey hunting here is fantastic to say the least. I 'm interested in exchanging a day or two with someone who's a proficient Floater for Steelhead on Lake O tribs preferably, Huron or Georgian Bay tribs possibly ( distance) for a couple days at my place hunting spring Gobblers. Have fished Eastern Lake O tribs over the years with plenty of success but would enjoy fishing with someone with local savvy, who may not have access to a great quiet place to hunt, with a high population of big Toms. Made the switch last year to a Pin and having great fun learning how to use it. Port Hope is 2.5 hours from my place so I'll be heading down once a week roughly for the next 6 weeks to fish that area. All the best. Oliver
  6. Hi Guys, Bear with me. Will slowly learn the process of posting pics here. Make no claims of being a Hi tech wizard. Anyways if this works the photo attached is of a nice Tom last spring. One of 3 we took at my place last year , two with 11" beards and 11/4 inch spurs, the other 10.5" beard 11/2 inch spurs. All 3 arond 2 DSC_00070001.JPG 0 lbs. Other Turkey hunters out there?
  7. Thanks again, thanks for the photobucket tip. Am in the process of loading some up now.
  8. Thanks for the welcom, I get the pics hint. I'll be loading some shortly. Oliver
  9. Hi everyone, Newly posting to this community. Great site and have enjoyed browsing it for a while. I've looked around and it seems that on this site people seem very decent and respectable about what and how they post, that's great. I'm a 36 year old Timberframe / Natural Builder living in the Brockville area. Fishing and hunting have been lifetime passions for me, only succeeded by my growing family, wife, 2 daughters and another on the way in April. Love all kinds of fishing and of course have some limitations due to time. Steelhead on the east tribs has to be my spring favourite and I'm looking forward to getting going here shortly, as a number of you are I'm sure. I actually enjoy seeing all the people packed on those small rivers. Shows that as people we can get along for the most part , enjoying a common passion for perfectly created outdoors. Looking forward to becoming an active member on this board and possibly hooking up with some of you sometime to have some good fun Out There! All the best. Oliver
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