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North Channel Cottages

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Posts posted by North Channel Cottages

  1. Mishaw Falls and Ouellete Rapids are not passable with a boat. Each section of the French is divided by rapids essentially. The main channel at the bottom of Meshaw is a huge amount of water with low fishing pressure but hard to get information on. 

    I know there is a good crappie population in Wolseley Bay, my section between Outlette and Cedar Rapids doesn't have many, I suspect yours might be similar just based on what I've heard. 

    Muskies; good populations in all the sections but they are smart. 😉 Look for structure. 

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  2. It's certainly a stressful time right now owning a lodge, part of which is because we don't know how long it will last but also we have been asking ourselves will people want to travel once this is over. The last 3-4 weeks have slowed down with people looking for more information and I don't blame anyone, especially if your workplace has shut down.  We thankfully haven't had any cancellations( no American clients as most come from southern Ontario). 

    So maybe a question to everyone reading this, if this is all still going on a month or 2 from now? Not necessarily isolation but the social distancing, is anyone making plans for the summer? Not even just a fishing lodge, but a provincial park or other campground? 

    One thing that might benefit lodge operators or people that own businesses away city centers is that people probably won't be flying to Europe or going to Niagara Falls or Toronto where there would be thousands or people so a place away from crowds might be enticing. 

    Our lodge isn't open until May Long Weekend so we aren't hurting right now, I really feel for the people that have already been laid off or had to shut their businesses during this. 


    North Channel Cottages


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  3. 27 minutes ago, AKRISONER said:

    then you get exactly what I am talking about. Absolutely, you can go and throw a mister twister on a lead jig head and smack smallies, or you can go throw a jackall neko flick with a tungsten nail weight and gamaktsu octopus hook. 

    Of course, if it "aint broke dont fix it" is the classic adage, its not as if people didnt catch bass in the days before JDM tackle and swimbaiting, but in the era of "getting the edge" its surprising to me that no one out there is making incredible looking musky baits?

    Maybe its simply due to the fact that theres really no such thing as a tournament industry that causes anglers to one up the next angler? 

    A lot of talk about pressure as well has people coming up with all sorts of ways to rig baits to provide a "different look" I dont see this sentiment at all in the musky business. Kinda blows my mind to be honest, we are talking about one of the hardest freshwater fish to catch, yet no one thinks, hmmm maybe if we go with stuff that looks more realistic, i can get the upper hand or advantage

    I think your line "hardest fish to catch"  is the key thing in all this. In my experience of owning this lodge(3 seasons) people are happy just to catch something and don't want to spend all day just for one even if it would be big. 

    The no tournament scene definitely limits the muskie lure production as well, no big money behind this stuff unlike the bass market. Which is just fine in my opinion. Muskie fishing is a very niche market, we don't cater to the hardcore fishing guys as some lodges do but even after specifically advertising to muskie fisherman because our season opens earlier than Nipissing we had little interest. 

    I think the younger generation or say the generation with kids in the pre teen stages also don't want to go out all day and maybe catch one. It's not very fun not catching fish of course for younger people.  

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