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Posts posted by unamused

  1. I didn't start court proceedings. I went the OMVIC route. They took months and all they did was play phone tag with the dealership. In the end they gave up. They said all they could do was lobby. They are toothless. They also said it was useless for me to bring them to court, as I signed the contract. Best of luck! Would love to hear how things pan out.

  2. Hi Tomkat, no it is not spelled out there, for sure. "expire by time only" is about as vague as you can get.

    Apparently, Mazda is now offering an extended warranty with a different company. I asked to see the contract and it is spelled out in clear terms that going over the allowable km will cancel the contract. Additionally, if you do qualify for a refund, you'll get less than 70% back. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's probably due to the blowback they have gotten.


  3. Hi everyone, I have been through a similar experience with XWRP extended warranty scam. I got mine through Mazda when I got my CX5 in 2013. I had never purchased an extended warranty until that day. I was told that I would get a full refund if I didn't use it. I thought what the heck, for the sake of losing out on a wee bit of interest, why not? 

    This February, I went to the dealership to begin the refund process and asked them if they had a copy of the contract (at that time I couldn't find mine...but found it later). They said they didn't keep copies after 2 years. I thought what the hell, how can you not keep contracts that last 6 years for, I don't know, 6+ years. Anyways, luckily I found mine, but this foreshadowed more trouble coming.

    I did get the letter from the dealership stating that I did not use the extended warranty. They uttered not a peep about going over alotted km. I faxed the pages as required to XWRP. I called them to confirm they got them. They did. I asked if there was anything else required. They said no. Then a week later I got a letter asking for the maintenance reports. I was getting ticked by now. I managed to get the report and fax that off. 

    A week later I received notice that I did not qualify for a refund as the contract must expire "by time only."


    I had driven over 300k in the 6 years. If I had known that going over 120k would be an issue, I never would have purchased the extended warranty.


    I have gone back to the dealer and tried to get their help. As you would expect, they were friendly, perhaps mildly sympathetic, but could not help.  I have started a complaint at BBB and emailed The Star's "The Fixer." Next step is to get after XWRP and after that start a small claims file.xwrp_1a.thumb.jpg.1592e126697b7e59a127cdd65cb7f772.jpg


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