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About WatermarkProject_Matt

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  1. I'm working with Swim Drink Fish Canada (Lake Ontario Waterkeeper) to collect angling stories for the Watermark Project. Your fishing stories can help protect fish habitat and provide future generations with access to fishable water. Our laws have changed and weakened in the last decade and the public needs to show a beneficial use. We have to show that our waters are being used and it's important to their communities. If you can’t show beneficial use, it's like a victimless crime. Watermarks act as evidence of people swimming, paddling, boating, fishing – people spending time in and along the water. Watermarks can become a basis for protecting water. Please Note: While the waterbody in your Watermark story will appear on the Watermark Project's map archive, the exact information of your fishing spot does not need to be shown. If you have a story you would like to share with our growing archive, please send me an email at [email protected] or submit it directly by clicking on the photo below. PS: If you have any video or photos related to your story, please include them! Thanks, Matt
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