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Fish frames

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Everything posted by Fish frames

  1. It’s these moments that make ice fishing trips memorable and fun. What a disaster lol
  2. Going wayyy back, we used to cut through the corn field and walk across this sketchy wood plank over a creek holding onto all our gear and a crazy hot Coleman lantern in the middle of the night. I was just a kid, not knowing what was going on. Before internet - it took real life experience to figure stuff out with the help of other anglers to guide you - if they weren’t super a holes (lots back then). Just angry old grumpy men catching f’all bottom bouncing while the trib slightly north of it was gettig raped by snaggers. Oh the good old days lol. I digress!
  3. Stopped off at the ladder and can it be salmon already??
  4. I love it when a fishing plan comes together. Great post
  5. Went out with www.fishcrazy.ca and had a bucket fish done is no time!
  6. When they’re cooperating. Always fun!
  7. I was super lucky to fish alongside a simcoe guide Peter Hoang. He put us on fish immediately. In the morning it was whities and mid morning Jumbos. It was fun to make the video and be part of the whole experience. I hope you enjoy.
  8. My first and only float reel. Over the 2 decades its gotten its fair set of abuse. It wobbles a bit and my clicker has been replaced. But it stil works and i find it hard to get rid or upgrade gear like that. In fact, I also have the same Daiwa rod 12ft and it’s taken a beating and still delivers. You can see in the vid some of the cork has chipped off. So old, I don’t think that cork can suck up anymore roe juice. Haha.
  9. Something about foraging tasty treats in forest just makes everything taste better. Anyone out here ever go mushroom hunting. Been doing a bit of research lately. Still a little nervous nelly about them...
  10. I love this gem in the bush where the hike and effort deter most, leaving it an oasis when life’s stresses weighs you down. At one point I had seen a coyote chase something down about 30 yards from me. Full on teeth exposed and full tilt.
  11. Getting away from the crowds and still managing to hook a few fish was what we were after. And with a bit of leg work and luck, we managed just that.
  12. I’m glad you all liked it and made you laugh. All worth the tangled mess. Hahah Hope I don’t get into any open water spring fiascos.
  13. crap show of the season!!!
  14. Came across this dandy pressure crack. Had to cross or be stranded.
  15. Thanks. It’s pretty tough but the videos are so much better than the pictures. As lame as it sounds, the YouTube channel is almost like my little trophy room of memories and I’ll go in and relive some of the memories. My wife will catch me watching my video and she just shakes her head . Haha I can’t help it, it’s like an escape and I’m back at that moment feeling in ther sturgeon from the st Lawrence. Rambling now ....
  16. Was able to ice a few whities which I look forward to eating...
  17. With decent ice on Simcoe - we headed for cooks to target jumbos.
  18. Id like to give it one more go, so many option - so little time.
  19. Thanks for the kind words. I wont name the rivers nor will I publish shots with landmarks, at least not purposely. I dont even like commenting on community places - not fair to the locals and anyone else thats fished there for years. Its crazy how the last 12-15 yrs - the fishing population and pressure has gone. And those early days of the internet like the zoo board was very bad and unfortunately hard lessons learned and no turning back the clock. Positive side is more money, more awareness - but those honey holes - those are sanctuaries now. Few and far between - but with a little leg work, creativity and confidence - those nuggets are out there.
  20. Hit a few steelies over the weekend with an underwater footage release. Hope you enjoy.
  21. Helped with chores at a friends cottage - rewarded with some bass.
  22. Was recently speaking with Jim from center pin angling and also had the same experiences. Man how cool is that to hammer them on something so alien - before internet, YouTube and all the other social media. You had to put in the work and grind if you wanted it bad enough. ? thanks for sharing.
  23. Successful - i doubt it. The salmon fishery all over the Great Lakes relies heavily on stocking. Be interesting to hear others opinions.
  24. Took out. Couple of cameras and headed to a local river to catch the salmon migration. They're pretty beat up this time of year but still a site to see jumping and swimming up the shallows.
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