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birddogman99 last won the day on August 15 2018

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  1. Ok guys and gals, a little advice.....4 months ago at 49 years of age, I suffered a heart attack and it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Why you may ask....well...I realized what was important to me in life....including spending more time with love ones fishing. I made a commitment on April 10th in the hospital that I would fish more with my kids. One week after, I was on the pier at Godeirch fishing for perch....didn't catch any but it was the greatest feeling ever. First week of July I was up on the Upper French River watching my 17 year old daughter land the huge Northern pictured below. I watched her also land a 7lb walleye and my two boys catch dozens of walleye and bass. I cried when we sat down on a rock to enjoy a shore lunch (before the fire ban). Tears of thankfulness at the second chance I had received. The walleye that day had never tasted so good. I went back to the Upper French River a couple weeks ago and with a smile so big on my face as I watched my new friend out fish me by landing the huge Largemouth and a huge sheephead. Life is great....and for me has never been better since I suffered my heart attack. So to all my fishing friends out there....enjoy every moment you have on the water....enjoy every cast...every bite....because unfortunately not everyone gets a second chance like I did. Sincerely Birddogman99
  2. hey gang....thanks so much for the comments....keep them coming. a couple of responses..... while I said...semi retire... rest assured I still have a few years left in me. I am 48 years old. I'm fortunately to have my own business that I plan on taking summers off from starting in a year or two....allowing me to generate income but allowing me to run the lodge operation during the summer. secondly...long hours don't bother me....as a self employed person, I work 12 to 16 hours a day now....my idea is to do that during the summers for my lodge. and while I'm sure fishing time will be a premium but I'm confident that I will find a couple hours here and there. as for money....it is always a concern....but having "off lodge" income will be a relief....all I'm looking for is that the lodge comes close to covering itself. I appreciate the comments about trying to have a diverse clientele....i believe I have an idea that answers that. again...thanks again...keep them coming.
  3. Starting the process of fulfilling a life long dream in buying a fishing lodge and I am hoping this list can help me with some research. I would be interested in your hearing your responses to the following five questions. If can indicate whether you are someone who has gone once or many times to a lodge.....or as someone who is thinking about going to a lodge for the first time.....or maybe you are either a current or past lodge owner. 1. American Plan versus Housekeeping. What are your thoughts on these two options....is the modified American Plan a good in between option (you cook breakfast and lunch....eat dinner at the lodge). 2. Fly Inn versus Boat inn versus drive to. Thoughts? I know fly in is expensive...but is the over all experience worth it? Is boat in a good in between option? Or is the ease of a drive in lodge (even if the fishing is not the greatest) the way to go? 3. Boats....16 foot aluminum boats with pull start and hard bench seats....versus 18 foot electric starts with casting platform, livewell, padded seats. Is it worth a few extra dollars for the upgrade to the bigger more comfortable boat worth it? What about cedar strip? Does a bit of nostalgia/history make the trip more memorable? 4. Guides...have you used them? Are they important....or is simply a good map and suggestions on hot spots the way to be. 5. Repeat clientele...or like to move around. If you go to a lodge and have an positive experience..do you repeat going to that Lodge or do you still look for other places to switch things up. I appreciate any and all advice, comments, thoughts, etc. Thanks in advance.....and I'm sure I will have more questions in the future.
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