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Big Butthead

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About Big Butthead

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    Fishing and hunting with kids and grandkids. Fly, casting spinning reel and shore fishing. StarCraft Fishmaster196 and kayak.
    Biggest high of any fishing trip is helping someone catch their first or personal bests. Enjoy the moment like it’s your last.

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  1. Thanks for the heads-up. I’ll assess the condition and plan accordingly. Always have a plan B. The alternates you suggest will be taken into consideration. Thank again.
  2. Looks like a great time out and a nice catch to close out. Information on the river itself is what I was looking for, so your heads up is much appreciated. Cockiness has left my DNA for quite a while now, safety is always at the forefront. I fish the Churchill river with major rapids. Sounds like the Nipigon at this time of the year is a very manageable body of water. Good portion of my time of the water is exploring and learning. Three more sleeps before I get there. Excitement is starting to creep in. I thank you for your feedback.
  3. Thank you. Will check it out. I thought brook trout was closed also, but reading regulations, I can’t see it being closed. I’ll make sure to check with locals. thanks again.
  4. Tanks BG. The leg of our trip on St-Joseph Island was for my missus who is an avid ship watcher from, of all places, Saskatchewan. Our time there was spent watching ships go by at Sailors Encampent and visiting some of the island’s historical sites. No fishing 😊.
  5. Return trip home and will be stopping in Nipigon. This is my retirement trip, ticking off some items from my bucket list. Left Saskatchewan August 28 with the missus, camping gear and the fishing boat hooked up and headed to the Ottawa River with stops in Sioux Narrows (3 days), Rainbow Falls (4 days), St-Joseph Island (4 days) and Killbear Prov. Park (4 days). Return trip plan is the missus is flying back (grandkids are missing their Nana) and I do the treck back by myself. Planning on staying in Nipigon 3 to 4 days to fish the Nipigon River. Planning to arrive on Friday the 29th, leaving the following Tuesday or Wednesday. Not sure where to start. Where best to launch my boat. I have a 20’ StarCraft Fishmaster and launching it by myself requires the launch having a dock. Does launching from the Nipigon marina and heading up river from there a viable option? Any hazards I should be aware of? I’m open to suggestions. Open to the idea of someone local to join me on the river for a day or two in return for an invitation to come fishing some of our great Saskatchewan waters.
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