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Posts posted by icefisherman

  1. Just back from our week of vacation up North – Red Cedar Lake this time...well mostly...

    First great thanks to Thom and Cliff as well as all others who have offered info on fishing/camping on the lake.

    Main goal was catching as many walleye as possible...well it didn’t work exactly as planned...I got some...we had enough for the frying pan but nowhere the number of fish I was hoping for (or was used to catching previous years during various camping trips).

    Nevertheless we’ve had a lot of fun despite the not so friendly weather (tons of rain and even hail, good thing I have top quality tent) and TONS of mosquitoes clearly on a mission to eat us alive.

    Here is the site – a great a roomy one:


    There was plenty of time to play:


    ...And catch some fish....


    ...and some more fish....


    ...Relax around the fire...


    ...Quality family time...


    ...The upcoming fisherman/boat captain...


    ...Even few minutes of disciplining some of the crew when needed...


    ...Must make note of my great fishing machine...


    ....Trolling the delta of Temagami river for eyes and getting some pike and bass in between...


    ...Those guys were on a training mission in great numbers....


    After trying so hard for eyes with not as much result as desired I’ve decided to switch back to the GUARANTEED catching...i.e. making a quick 4 hours trip to Temagami on my way back. I knew these lakers are waiting for me as they always do every year.

    Here is the result we’ve managed despite the on and off rain that afternoon...


    And this guy must have been VERY hungry as the bait in his stomach was almost as big as him...still don’t know how he managed to fit it in one piece...?!?!



    So that was it from us in pictures...Back to the reality and the the daily routine but now with renewed energy level.



    Ice Fisherman

  2. I invited a very good fishing buddy to fish with me and my son today at Port Credit and was a bit worried after not so good recent reports...was even thinking to run to the Blue Zone to make Arnie happy and get him some action. :D

    But we managed to find plenty of action real close - 95-160 fow....mixed bag of fish spoons and flies, two big size Kings - one just over 20 the second one at 27Lbs (biggest ever in my boat) and bunch of bows kept the action going from 5:30 to 11:30am.

    Arnie and my son were both happy and that sure made me even happier. Sure glad I saved my gas and stayed close...plenty of time to run to the deep no need to do so as long as fish is near by :o

    Few shots from the day for your viewing pleasure:

















    Ice Fisherman

  3. Does anyone know if there is crown land available for camping around Red Cedar Lake?

    This is in the Martin River Area North West of North Bay and close to Temagami?

    Since Wayne is probably off line for the summer I am hoping someone else can answer this question?

    I know there are some cottage rental places in the area, but can I just go in there launch my boat and get deep inside the lake in the back country and be able to pick a spot and camp for a week?


    Thanks and appreciate all replies.



    Ice Fisherman

  4. Too tired for a detailed report but here are the pictures.

    They speak for themselves.

    Great day out there and my sincere thanks for James for taking me out on his boat and to his good friend Evan for the great company and loughs.

    No one was sure how many fish we've got today but the consensus was well over 50...with James solidly on the leader board.

    3 triple headers and 10 doubles.

    Needless to say the weapon of choice was ,.....Meegs....naturally!

    A lot to learn from a Pro like him...

    It is James turn to write the upcoming Lake O. report soon ;-))

    Few shots from my Blackberry:













    Ice Fisherman

  5. Nice!!!! great to see you hitting them silver salmon! Might have to make my way down there one day next week!




    any time you want to go let me know. We might be able to do it together....weekday or weekend....You can PM me....


    And thanks all for the kind comments.

    Yes my son was/always is quite happy to go fishing with me....waiting for the 1 year old to follow and no one can be happier than me then :D



    Ice Fisherman

  6. Well seemed like all the fish stayed where I've left them on May 24....but they miraculously transformed from Bows into Kings.


    Started 3:30pm as a stress relief exercise from my hard work finishing my basement. Fished until 7pm.

    Got 5 Kings...biggest 16 Lbs 14Ozs, the rest under 10 Lbs.

    Lost two other fish one of which was good size.

    Smaller Kings came on the 6 colors leadcore, the big ones on the rigger 150 feet down in 170 fow.

    Green/Black, Michael Jackson and Black/silver. Spoons only.

    Here are few shots from the day for your viewing pleasure. Had to use my Blackberry as I forgot my camera at home.:


    The biggest one:



    One of the smaller ones:



    And this hitchhiker came with the big King. It was its last voyage though as I used my pliers on it's head.





    Ice Fisherman

  7. Hope for some specific suggestions.

    Would like to take the whole family (me, wife and two kids) and the boat (Lund 1700 Pro Sport) somewhere this summer for about a week.

    Here is what "The ideal" place would be:


    1) Within 5 hours of the GTA

    2) with great fishing for me(Walleye preferred but trout/bass is fine as well) and fun activities (natures, swimming, etc.) for the family.

    3) Crown land or back country type of camping preferred

    4) We've been to Algonquin (Opeongo) and Temagami last few years and like both places but would love to try something else, similar to the remoteness of these two.

    5) We have complete set of camping gear and can take it in the boat prety much anywhere the boat can go, but would consider renting a cottage for a week too (if a board member has something for rent feel free to PM me)


    Really hope for some specific ideas and tips as we love to explore something new each year.


    Thanks to all who respond.



    Ice Fisherman

  8. It was time to get one of those days when I just don't have time to sit down....or for the most of it.

    Started early - 5:10 am at the launch. Wasted the first 3-4 hours trolling all over - deep to 200 fow and shallow to 80 fow...only got one 17 Lbs King (the biggest fish of the day) down 141 feet in 185 fow, and lost one rainbow.....Listening the radio everyone was talking about no fish or one/two fish...some said they were marking but no takers....

    So, I've decided to change the strategy....instead of doing what most everyone else was doing i.e. hanging off Bronte or a bit West of there...I've went back to Oakville....I had a feeling fish will be East and sure it was....found much warmer water (53-54 degrees v.s. 48-49 at Bronte) Tons of bait as well. Some hooks on/near bottom but no takers there. Plenty of takers above though. Kept working the area for few very productive hours.




    and sure enough the show started....the acrobatic one that is

    Bow after bow after bow....lost track after 2-3 hours but must have got over 15 fish and lost 4-5. We were fully enjoying the action with my son.


    Biggest one was 12 Lbs with few nice size ones for the BBQ tonight.

    140-160 FOW, You can see the hot lures bellow, 2.5-2.8 mph, 5 colors leadcore....all my fish but one came on leadcore and ONLY on one rod, though I had second leadcore IDENTICAL to the first one - no sniff on that one

    Got to love those jumps without having to drive all the way to the Blue Zone


    Anyhow - great day, ton of fish and I am starting to get in shape for this season

    here are few shots of the day for your viewing pleasure:














    Nice to see Joy and Paul at the launch with their nice new toy. Congratulations!!! Nice fishing machine!



    Ice Fisherman

  9. Started early (6am) got the first fish by 6:30 ...then 4:30 hours of burning gas and washing lures anywhere from 120 to 240 fow. As soon as my son woke up bam...two more fish in the boat and shortly after we went home. Tried again deep water and flies...couldn't get any volunteers...not sure how others get fish at 100' or more down...all my came at 40-60' down on 8 colors leadcore and rigger at 60' down.

    So spoon bite only...lots of boats out there...saw one boat getting fish...lots of radio chat and from what I've heard 1-2 fish per boat....for some reason when weather is nice and I go fishing bite changes and it takes a lot of running around to prevent getting skunked....still looking for that nice and easy day when bite is at prime.

    Here are two of today's fish. Forgot to take picture of the third one.

    13 Lbs, 7 Lbs/ 10 Lbs. Three hits - three fish.







    Ice Fisherman

  10. Unexpectedly tough day today chasing the white fish on Simcoe. Yesterday's strong wind must have moved the fish around as we couldn't find any number of them all day. One here, one there and that was it...had to really work hard...I sure was expected much better fishing day today,....anyhow...we got 4 of them but did it take us a while to find them. Tons of boats out there, probably few hundred people...have only seen about 10-15 fish been caught and we were all over the lake....Williams half/half saved the skunk for us today. Fished 65 to 85 fow.





    Ice Fisherman

  11. Three hours of fishing with a late start today (8:30am to 11:30am) with 3 fish 9n the boat(one bow and two Kings). Perfect BBQ size. Missed another one.

    Fished 140-160 fow, 40 feet down. Had a deep rod too (100') but no go there.

    Spoon bite (had flies but no go).

    NK NBK and Green and Silver.

    Two on the leadcore and two on the riggers.

    Here is the Blackberry shot. Sorry for the picture quality:





    Ice Fisherman

  12. You've asked what we think...well I think it is wayyyy too expensive for the package/year...

    If this is what people ask for their 1993 Smokercraft boats, it makes me fee great about the deal I got on my Lund a year ago.



    Ice Fisherman

  13. After the perch day yesterday it was time for the first Salmon of the season today.

    Grimsby, started 6am trying to beat the bad weather and we managed ...up to a point for the firs couple hours than it got ugly and we went back.

    Marked lot of fish but not many takers and no bait balls.

    Fished in 50 fow anywhere from 20 to 45 feet down.

    Spoon bite...Michael Jackson did all the hits today.

    Hooked 3, lost tow and got the first one in the boat.

    Got a bit wet on the way back but hey...it is part of the game.

    Few pictures:







    Ice Fisherman

  14. Good job Emil. Did your young lad go with you? I still think about what a trooper he was the day we went smelting.


    Been perching on Simcoe for the last 2 weeks. Today was crappie in the Kawarthas. Looks like we both had fish to clean today.


    Thx for the pic and report.



    Steve, how are you doing Bud?

    He sure was, and so was the younger one and his mom...the whole family, tried to use the forecasted "nice sunny day".

    Didn't turn very sunny but hey...who said the weatherman ever gets it right??!?


    Might try some Lake O. Kings tomorrow but I am thinking....if you need a company for those crappies some time soon let me know I would be happy to join you with my son one time. I just haven't targeted crappies until now but would love to try for a day. :) Not to mention it'll be hard to find better crappie teacher than you! :Gonefishing:



    Ice Fisherman

  15. Did Simcoe today....fishing was good after I found them and better size than recent outings...plastics were the game today

    10 fow.


    Got rain few times and lot of wind but managed fine...

    Here is the live well full of tomorrow's meal





    Ice Fisherman

  16. Lew,

    stay away from portable VHF...do yourself a favor and get a fixed one. Goran has told you what happened couple years ago in the middle of Lake Erie while using his hand held.

    Also....in areas where nothing works (like Algonquin or Temagami) my fixed Lowrance VHF unit was getting me weather forecast all the time.

    So it is a smart investment.

    Here is the one I'd recommend:




    Works great hear the US guys talking all the time on Erie and Ontario...and now it is connected to my new fishfinders so one push of a button in emergency it automatically sends my position coordinates to the Coast Guard.



    Ice Fisherman

  17. VERY NICELY done. Definitely a PROFESSIONAL JOB................ but I see NO need to have both units next to each other. Most (ALL) networked Lowrance units are so you can one at the console and one up front when you're using the trolling motor. But I could see one on the transom for downrigging on the Great Lakes. I use to have my Lowrance paper graph mounted there years ago.


    You could of just gotten a 200 mhz transducer for the LMS 525 unit without the expense of purchasing a LMS 520 unit and piped it in with a transducer switch giving you your 12/36 degree cone angle by using the dual transducer that came with the LMS 525 unit and a 20 degree cone angle when using the 200 mhz optional transducer. You would of also saved on not having to network them together then.


    SO, I guess my question is why the dual set up with one unit being mounted right next to the other unit ? ? ?



    Redundancy Bob!

    I've been strangled once in the middle of Lake Erie few years back with dead motor (my only motor back then) so ever since then REDUNDANCY is the name of the game for me every time I launch on the Great Lakes.


    As I've said earlier...I wanted to be able to substitute one unit for the other with preserving 100% functionality and vice verse.

    I also wanted to have the full 5" ONLY for Sonar and another full 5" ONLY for GPS data and not having to split the screen to see both at the same time (need it all the time when trolling Great Lakes).

    And your idea about beenable to move one (or the other) unit within the boat is a good one.

    I've my setup fully capable of doing that - all the cables you see are of the 15' length so I can at any given time move any (or even both units together) anywhere on the boat. This might come handy when I go up North to Algonquin/Temagami and for Bass fishing.


    I've put a lot of thinking into this project before realizing it...and this setup seemed to suit me best for the type of fishing I do.



    Ice Fisherman

  18. what was your total cost of the setup?


    Under $1000 ALL equipment/parts included.


    Hey ice fisherman that one sweet set up i ve got a lund as well and just installed lowrance unit last fall, i have a interference problem when i turn on the finder the radio signal disappears have you checked on this and has any one else had or heard of this problem

    Thx Rob ( dakota)




    I was listening to my VHF radio while both units were working fine last Friday, and didn't have any interference. Didn't talk on the radio so this part hasn't been tested but I don't expect problems there.



    Ice Fisherman

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