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Posts posted by BrentS89

  1. Going to visit a friend next week and looking for some help. Thinking of launching at Dick Bell Park and trying around Shirley Bay. Does this sound like a good plan or are there better areas to try. Any suggestions or comments are greatly appreciated. Have boat and equipment for anything from panfish to muskie.



  2. I bought the unit at a boat dealership and they installed everything but doesn't appear that it was tested on the water. Work and cancer kept me off the boat for a few seasons but now all is good and getting back to it. I just checked install and it looks like both transducers were installed pointing out, not level to water line. I will be adjusting and testing next weekend. Any advice or experience will be appreciated. From what I have read and comments here, it looks like I should just need the XHS 9 HDSI 180 T that came with the unit. Thanks

  3. 1 hour ago, AKRISONER said:

    You aren’t going to read side image or down image with much detail going that fast if at all. But that’s not what those views are for anyways at that speed. the 2d works totally fine at high speed. Once you start going 50mph I find mine starts dropping out though but that’s also the way my deucer is mounted.

    also if you are hoping to go 40+mph consider buying the metal deucer mount off of the helix 10’s and 12’s the plastic one they gave me with the 7 couldn’t hold up to the speed especially once I was running chop. I swapped to the metal bracket and haven’t had a problem since

    When I got my 999 I was told I needed a y cable and 2d transducer to read bottom at speeds over 10 mph. Not looking for imaging just 2d bottom. Can I get this in one HB transducer  on the 999 unit ?

  4. I have an older 999 SI unit that I was told I needed a second transducer and Y cable to read bottom at speeds over 10 mph. I never got the performance I expected so I am looking for something new. Will this unit read bottom at high speeds or is a second transducer and Y cable required ? A buddy just picked up the Garmin Echomap 95 SV and says it works great with the transducer that comes in the box.

  5. Hi Bassin15. My son and I will sometimes look on a map for some bridges in quiet areas and cast a 1/8 oz jig with a Gulp minnow. This weekend we were near Buckhorn and caught 3 small mouth and 2 walleye just before dark. Good luck.

  6. We just moved our trailer to Pigeon Lake and I am looking for some help locating fish. Mostly looking for musky, but have been told the lake doesn't have any. Help with any species is appreciated as I will be taking my son out and would like to hook into something.


  7. Looking for suggestions. I have been given 3 places but haven't fished any of them. Leaving from Kitchener I have Lake St. Clair ( Belle RIver), Rideau River (Kars area) or Lake Stoco (Tweed). Any help or other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.




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