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About dr_zayas

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  1. Headed up to Lake of Bays with the family this weekend. What a beauty! The only boat I had up there was a canoe so I threw it in and did some jigging for Lakers. Got out on the water for about an hour on Friday afternoon with no luck. Saturday morning with coffee and Bailey's in hand, I hit up the same spot I had success at through the ice this Feb. Caught this beauty within 15 minutes! Just shy of 8lbs and beautiful colouring! On Sunday I went and picked up my new 14' Legend widebody so now I have that for fishing the lake. Great weekend! https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4088FC4D6E65BB92!2168&authkey=!ACYkNSwMP-fqAgI&ithint=album%2c
  2. Just thought I'd give a quick update from the weekend. Lake of Bays is still pretty iced up in the north end near Dorset where I was. The ice is pretty thin in most places and there are parts that are open that have been getting more sun so hopefully it has opened up enough to get a boat in the water in the next week or two! https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4088FC4D6E65BB92!2076&authkey=!ADDknDAYGQqENUk&ithint=folder%2c
  3. I have some experience surf fishing on the Gulf side. Not sure about the Atlantic. I have had success catching sand fleas and using them to catch pompano off the beach. YouTube catching sand fleas and you will see how to catch them if they are there - its easy. It works really well if the water is clear and calm. I have also fished off the pier using shrimp and have caught Pompano and Sheepshead, again the best success coming when the water is clear and calm. Pompano are good eating and easy to clean. I have heard that Sheepshead and Flounder are also good eating. Good luck!
  4. Awesome post! Any chance you want to share your Brook Trout adventure too???
  5. Beauty wallacio! What part of the lake did you get that one? What kind of setup were you using? I had a lot of success in mid Feb in about 35' of water using a gold Rippin' Rap. Temp rose pretty sharply from about -25C to 0C and that seemed to turn them on.
  6. By the way, where do you get your satellite images for this??
  7. Yes Trout are definitely open on LoB. I think you would be successful fishing for them right after ice out; I plan on trolling for them myself. I was up there two weeks ago and the lake was still solid - 6" of ice around the parts I was at. The weather has been pretty warm and rainy during the days but still going below zero at night so I am thinking that it will likely still be closed for a couple more weeks like Joeytier said. I hope to go up there again next weekend and will report back with some pics. Let me know how it goes if you do make it out there! Cheers!
  8. Thanks for the warm welcome Big Cliff! I am 32 and I live in Toronto on the east side of High Park, although I hope to spend a lot of time on Lake of Bays! I invest pension money for the Canada Pension Plan and I really enjoy frying Bass and Lake Trout! When I'm not fishing I also enjoy golf and hockey. I hope to contribute to the fishing and condition reports around here frequently. Maybe some pics would tell a more interesting story.... https://onedrive.live.com/redir?resid=4088FC4D6E65BB92!1827&authkey=!AJPkqmQMqbOIB8Y&ithint=folder%2c
  9. Hello, Just found this forum and have really been enjoying some of the threads so I just wanted to introduce myself now that I have joined. I really enjoy fishing for Smallmouth, Walleye and Pike in Ontario. My favourite fishing may be for Lake Trout though as I have been fortunate enough to land some monsters up on Great Bear Lake. I have recently gained access to a family cottage on Lake of Bays and hope to fish the north end of the lake for years to come. I have already had a lot of success with some 2-3lb Smallies off the dock and some 3-5lb Lakers through the ice! Looking to explore the surrounding areas and maybe find some Brookies if possible!
  10. I am interested in fishing in the Lower Oxtongue River between Lake of Bays and Ragged Falls. Can anyone tell me what they go for in there? I am thinking there may be Brookies, Pike, Smallies, .... ?. Thanks.
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