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Posts posted by Jeff_C

  1. We headed out this morning to face the snow yet again. It was tough going, but we finally got to our destination and set up. There were lots of eyes there this morning, but boy were they being Scrooge. After being denied time and time again, we finally put a few on the ice.


    If you are looking for perch, there are a ton of them!


    After awhile, the walleye activity subsided. Due to only a few hours of sleep last night, and a bit of a lull, I was sitting in my Fish Trap starting to nod off a bit. That's when the snot rocket almost ripped the rod out of my hand. That pike had me going for a minute...


    Have a great Christmas!





  2. Most of the areas are not safe right now. The mild spell and winds broke up the ice in many areas only 200 yards off shore. Many of these areas are wide open right now. I guess, it looks like I picked a good time to be out of town. There are a couple of spots with people still going out, but it isn't safe to be just walking around. I may look around tomorrow afternoon when I get back, but I'll be spudding every step of the way. One spot that I checked on Tuesday morning had decent enough ice before I left, but I only went 150 yards or so out.


    I would imagine that you could be on 4" one minute and 1/2" the next right now and possibly not see it for the snow.


    Safety first, fish second...



  3. The warm spell and rain that we received today and tomorrow have and will continue to soften the ice. It will need a few cold days to tighten back up again. There were only a couple of places that were accessible on foot, and in my opinion, all of these will now be unsafe. Soft ice is bad news...


    I have a family vacation planned for a few days this week, and it looks like I timed it just right! I'll be back by Friday and hopefully it will be tight enough again by then.



  4. I have used one of these for the past few years now from time to time. I use them at first ice when I am walking out all the time. What many people do is hang it by the strap inside your suit. The only problem that I have found is that the cap breaks quite quickly. A workaround is the black caps that come on the 1lb Coleman disposable propane tanks. Just stick one of those on once your lid breaks off. Which will be the first time you use it probably. I duck taped mine on for quite awhile, but then just switched to the propane tank lid. Once I am out with my fish trap, I usually just use a minnow bucket. Although I often have it with me incase I decide to go for a walk.



  5. Although a couple of people have ventured out today, it is still far from safe. Most areas that I checked that are non-current areas and typically have the first ice only had about 2" or a little under. The spud would go through on the second hit. I did find one spot where it was 4" and Ryan and I will be checking it out further tomorrow morning. I made it out 80 yards or so today, but the water was shallow still and I didn't want to go too much further without having someone with me. I'll keep you posted, but I wouldn't recommend it out there yet. Stay safe, and pray for cold! I know... the guys in the boats at the ferry are praying against me.



  6. I thought that I would fish outside this morning so that I could move around more easily. With the mercury dropping below -22 degrees Celsius, that idea didn’t last for long. As soon as I had marked a fish on the Vex, it was time to pull off the travel cover and get inside the trap. Once the heater was up and running, my fingers started to thaw out a bit. Earlier this week we were a little worried that the cold snap might shut the fish down. So this morning the fish were not very cooperative, but they weren’t shut down completely. With a little negotiation, I managed to close the deal with this one.





  7. Sorry to stir the pot so much with this thread.


    In case anyone didn't catch my second post on this thread, the fish was fatally hooked and was not going to survive. It is never our intention to keep any fish over 4lbs, however from time to time, there are some fish that unfortunately do not survive. I myself have not had this happen this year, but our group did have two fish get fatally hooked this past Saturday. We all agreed that it was unfortunate, but there is nothing that can be done. I was pleased to see the group respect the fishery and release all of the 4+lb fish that were fit to be released. It is always the angler's choice if they are to keep or release, however we encourage releasing all fish greater than 4lbs.



  8. Just a couple of comments:


    First of all, this 14lb fish was actually caught on a medium light St. Croix rod with 6lb mono. Ryan had to prove a point, and was very successful in doing so. Personally, I still like my 32H St. Croix that is cut down to 29". (Although, that one blew up on a fish last night... grr..)


    We always encourage the releasing of the larger fish, and most of the fish caught yesterday were released. Two anglers did keep a limit each, but the large group kept a couple of 2-3lb fish and threw back a plethora of 5-6lbers.


    Unfortunately we had two large fish get fatally hooked or both of these would have been released as well. (The 10lber was successfully released.)


    We ourselves try to never keep any fish over 4lbs. With all of the fish that we catch, why would we. There are plenty of 2-3lb fish that we can selectively harvest.



  9. The boys did their homework well this week with some very successful pre-fishing for this weekend. Yesterday morning we landed on a serious school of fish. They found the masses as well as a few that had just visit the gizzard shad buffet. Our guys iced an 11.5lb, a 10lb, and Ryan iced this 14lb - 32" Walleye. Everyone caught fish, and some caught a lot of fish. With perfect weather, and plenty of fish, it was an amazing day.


    Did I mention the perfect on ice fish fry! ;)


    Good luck to all...




    Ryan's 14lbs - 32" Walleye



    From a different angle






    Two angler's limit.


  10. Nice fish....amazing pics...what kind of Camera are you using?


    I have two cameras depending on the day and if I even bring either of them. I have a Canon Digital SLR and a Point and Shoot. I love the SLR, although all of these were taken with the Point and Shoot as the conditions weren't going to be great so I didn't bring the SLR out. Perhaps this weekend I will.



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