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Everything posted by maple_leaf_drifter

  1. Geogian bay/huron tribs hold some of the best steelhead fishing in ontario, and the are edible, thats more than you can say about lake o fish. The run up this way hasnt really started yet, although lots of nice fish are getting caught, should be picking up after a bit more rain. Its defintally a cold one fishing that mouth..
  2. thats the biggest 6 ive ever seen.
  3. well i finally got my first deer!! after 3 years of hard work and lots of hours in the bush. i shot this 9 pointer last night at 17yards with my compound. also my buddy mike (centerpin drift) shot a nice young 10 pointer about km away from me on oppisite side of our hunting property.
  4. we tracked this deer for 6.8 km for over 8 hours by the end we were only picking up little drops of blood every few hunderd yards. once he crossed the river he s in to heavy swamp and marsh area, i would have followed him threw there too if the blood trail was more soild and if a couple houndred deer hadent walked all over the same trail that this buck took.
  5. GB steelies cant beat them!
  6. If your fishing in the bay you are fishing 14 if you are fishing inland you are fishing 16.
  7. couple from sat morn
  8. my 4yr old german shorthaired pointer, Lexie
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