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Posts posted by boatman

  1. The oil mix on that new of a Johnson is probably 100:1, I had an early 90's Evinrude that was 100:1.


    The oil mix is 50:1. OMC recommended 100:1 from the late 1980's to early 90's. They have since rescinded that recommendation as they found that 100:1 didn't leave enough oil on the internal parts for long term storage.

  2. $800 isn't too much for that package. Cheap boats and motors usually come along when you already have them not when you need them. At $800 he's essentially asking $400 for boat and $400 for motor. Can you reasonably except to find another 1980's Merc and boat that cheap separately? I sold a Merc 7.5 hp last year for $525. Normal asking price for them is in the range of $450-600 in good running condition. A 12' tin boat sells for $300-500, but good ones are almost always closer to $500. Of course, there is always the odd package sold for $300, but let's be honest that almost never happens.


    There is nothing wrong with offering a little less, though. In fact I think its part of the game. However, a low ball offer is insulting. Its certainly ok to tell him that you've found another similar package for $500 and ask if he can make you a better deal or match it, but don't just offer him $500 take-it-or-leave-it. As a guy who deals in old outboards as a hobby I've received all sorts of offers. If a guy offered me $500 for a package I priced at $800 I'd be annoyed that he wasted my time.

  3. We have about 15 full size pick ups in regular service at work. All between 2002-2008 and we just sold about 6 other 1999-2001 trucks. Most are big gas engines, but the newest ones are diesel Fords. I can tell you that we haven't had any problems with either brand. Only truck to need anything other than regular service was a 2000 Chevy Silverado, which had a bad tranny.


    Personally, I like the Chevys better for style and comfort, but that has nothing to do with quality. I'm not attached to any auto maker. My personal truck is a Ford and my previous vehicle was a Chev. From my point of view, which I think in this case is more than just opinion, you can't go wrong with either brand.Find the best deal and buy it.

  4. I agree that the water conditions definately play a role. I won't say its a big role for all species, but it has an effect. Spring bullheads can't be beat. Summer bullheads taste like mud and the flesh is soft and spongy.


    I pretty much agree with everything else the others have said so far. I just a great feed of bass (both large and small mouth) last weekend from north of Kingston and they were both great. Can't say as I or anyone else could tell the difference.


    I've never had the lateral line spoil the meat in Salmonids or whitefish. I always fillet them and freeze them in water. However, I never keep belly meat of any fish and I do usually remove the black part on whitefish. I'm not saying there isn't any truth to what was said just that I never noticed a difference. Of course, I'm not a connoisseur.

  5. Cootes is only a meter or so deep most of the year. Its also very turbid. Unless fishing for carp I wouldn't bother.


    Hammercarp, have you caught any carp there this year? I heard on the news last year that they believed they released the last remaining carp in Cootes to Hamilton Harbour due to the low water conditions of last summer. I laughed when I heard it, but that's what they said. Just curious if numbers are actually down.

  6. The water is pushed against the boards while on plane and will move to the stern when your getting up then shoot forward when you hit plane causing the boat to surge almost like a stall, weird feeling when it happens and the bow dives lifting the stern causing the motor to cavitate. Remove the stern board and drill 2 1 1/2" holes 6'' from the tube and maybe 8" from the stern, sand them nice and smooth and paint. you use these with a manual bige pump to remove the water you cant get with your bailing can because it's trapped between the hull and the floor.


    I think fishforfun has it. Its common on leaky inflatables for this too happen. Don't run it wide open until you get it sorted out. The cavitation could cause run-away and blow your motor. 9.9 hp is a little small for a 14' inflatable. What is your max hp rating?

  7. Your antenae is faulty. Call Sirius.


    I've had my Sirius for three years. No problems. I've run a side by side test with an XM in my work truck and the Sirius gets much better reception.


    I love Stern too. That's nothing to be ashamed of.

  8. Don't be afraid to ask questions. A 14' tin boat is the perfect place to learn about boating.


    A properly loaded boat will sit level in the water. When I'm by myself the gas can and battery are up front. With a passenger it may be up front or in the stern. Just depends how heavy the passenger is. When carrying a passenger you might also need to trim the motor out a notch or the bow may plow.


    On the 14' boat displayed in my avatar I use the disconnects that HometownHandyman mentioned on both my bow mount and transom mount trolling motors. They are fine in my application, but in your case I'd just use the alligator clips. They are much easier to install and corrosion won't be a problem. A battery box is a nice thing to have as well. On my 12' car topper I use an adapter on my transom mount trolling motor so I can use alligator clips.

  9. That sucks that they won't do that for you. As for the charging extra to put something else on. I can see that, if they have to derig then rerig. I bought my Lund with out rigging and paid a bit more to have my e-tec put on. I had no problem with that as I got what I wanted. When it is separated it is no longer a package deal so it is to be expected to pay more.


    Again, sorry you're having the hassle. On the bright side, you will enjoy your Lund(s).


    I completely agree that they should charge extra to re-rig a boat. That's only fair. My problem isn't with the price its the fact that Tracker won't sell you just a boat. That's fine, the marina where I buy my parts is a Lund dealer and they will have no problem selling me a blank Lund.

  10. Your post raises a couple of questions. That is quite a dichotomy that you have set up there. You have gone from the cheapest boat you can buy to the most expensive without so much as acknowledging that there are other manufacturers (or more than four marinas).

    What company do you work for by the way that buys so many boats? And is the boat you are looking at for you or your multi-boat company?



    Well, first Tracker is not the cheapest boat you can buy. Not even close. All the big brands are priced competitively once you separate the motor and package extras. Also, you assume I didn't do my homework. I've looked at dozens of makes and models and in the end I settled on the Tracker V-16 SC. The Lund Rebel 1625 XL was my second choice.


    Tracker only has so many dealers in Ontario. Less than a dozen, actually. I have contacted four of the closest ones and they all say the same thing. "You can't buy a Tracker without a motor". I am not going to call every dealer in Ontario. I think four is sufficient.


    As I stated in my post, its a boat I am purchasing (on my company's behalf) for work. I'd rather not mention my company's name. Its not important to the story.

  11. I just need to rant here. I am trying to buy a 16' Tracker side console without a motor for work. Would you believe that they will not sell a boat without a motor? I've called four marinas and it seems Tracker only ships and sells fully rigged boats. In order to get a Tracker I have to buy it with a new Mercury outboard or pay extra to have the marina put on whatever other brand outboard they sell. Either way, you can't just buy a boat and use your existing motor.


    Looks like I'll be buying a 16' Lund Rebel XL instead. With all the economic problems you hear of in the recreational products industry you'd think they'd sell boat only. Tracker has lost any business my company could give them. And my company is a huge boat buyer.

  12. You know what they say "there is a sucker born every minute" Want to be one buy a Ford Ranger


    Sounds like someone who has no experience with a Ranger.


    I asked this same question a few years ago. After reading all the reviews and getting all the biased answers I decided to buy a Ranger. Now keep in mind I'm not partial to any automaker, but if I was it would be GM trucks over Ford. I much prefer our GM work trucks to our Fords.


    The truck I bought replaced a 1999 Cavalier Z24 that I used to haul my 14.5' boat with 30 hp motor shown in my avatar. I decided to buy a 2004 extended cab EDGE with 3.0L engine, auto trans in 2x4. I bought my boxliner from a member here for half price compared to all other sources at the time. I believe it was Percher from Burlington (sorry if I got that wrong). Contact him if you need one.


    My truck now has 120,000 km. Aside from regular oil changes I hadn't put anything into it until recently. I replaced the MAF sensor at 110,000 km. I replaced the muffler and flushed the brake fluid yesterday. I will need new front brakes soon, but the rear are fine.


    I only have three complaints about the truck.


    1) The seat has no height adjustment. At only 6 feet tall my head is nearly bumping the ceiling.

    2) I should have bought 4x4. Snowy/icy roads are trouble. Never any trouble at the boat launch.

    3) The OEM pads seem extra soft and leave dust like crazy.


    I'll drive this truck until it dies. Then I will research its replacement. I may not end up with another Ford, but I would not hesistate to buy another Ranger. In the current market place with the current vehicles available I would choose the Ranger again. To me, resale means nothing since I plan to use the truck up. Therefore, there is no benefit to buying a Toyota or Nissan since they are no more reliable.


    It is of course, your choice. Good luck with whatever you choose.

  13. :whistling:

    My comment was directed to standing on the front seat of a TWELVE FOOT tinney. 14' or 16' foot are a different ball game.

    By the way, I've had 12, 14, 16 ft tinnies, so maybe you are not CLEARLY on the right track.

    BUT to each his own I guess !! :blahblah1:


    And my comment was directed to standing on the CASTING DECK of a small tinny. Not all small boats are the same. I wouldn't hesistate to put one on my deep and wide 12' tin boat either, but I wouldn't put one on my buddies shallow 12'er.

  14. WOW !!! :dunno:

    In this day and age of Safety on the water, I cant believe that you would stand on thr front seat of a 12' Tinny to fish.

    No wonder the Police are busy looking for bodies.


    This is not meant to be a 'flame', just amazment on my part. :o


    Clearly you have never been on one so maybe you shouldn't be quite so quick to judge. My 14.5' aluminium is very stable right to the tip of the bow. Nothing dangerous about it unless you are in water that is too big for the boat.

  15. Well Wayne, it just might be!

    My thoughts in posting this here were simply to let my brothers and sisters here, have a listen. I thought the kid did a great job and my co-worker here, an absolute "I have Johnny Cash tattoo'd to my butt" fan was amazed. Actually everyone I sent this to had the same reaction... pretty amazing for a 15 year old.

    My back got up when of course, some folks here decided to shoot the kid down, rather than "enjoy" the clip as my original post suggested. I don't think I asked for your opinion, I simply suggested that you enjoy!

    And before some of you jump all over that statement, please don't. I will be much more careful about what I share here from now on. Not because I don't want to share, but because I would rather not give a some a forum to display their continual negativity.



    No one shot the kid down and we all enjoyed the clip. You are entirely too sensitive. You make a big claim like "this kid sounds exactly like Johnny Cash" or "Channelling Johnny Cash" or whatever and you have to expect people to voice their comments. He just sounds like any other deep voiced guy singing Johnny Cash songs at the Karaoke bar. I think if you don't want comments to be made then you shouldn't post on a public forum.


    Like someone else said, I'd like to hear him sing his own music. He might have a great career in front of him.

  16. Well, to those who say he doesn't sound like Cash, how many of you can actually say you heard Johnny sing when he was 16 years old? Might well have sounded like that... regardless, I think the kid's got something going on and I look forward to hearing more from him in the future!

    Man, it seems to me that there are some folks here who simply must be the polar opposite of just about anything anybody says... must be fun folks to live with! <_<



    I don't get the attitude. The worst that was said of the kid was that he doesn't sound like Cash.


    He sounds good, but he doesn't sound like Johnny. I don't know what Johnny sounded like at 16, but then no one does. Therefore, we have to compare his voice to that of the Cash we know (about 24-71 years old). When you do that you then realise he does not sound like Cash. If you still disagree then by all means come on over to my place. We'll have a few beers and I can play you nearly all of Johnny's regular issue albums. We'll start with his Sun record days, move on to Columbia, then Mercury and finish with the American recordings.

  17. I always start my motors at home for the first time. Nothing worse than being the guy at the launch who can't get his motor started. And you won't win any firends if you block the launch by trying to "test" your motor with the boat on the trailer on the ramp.


    You should change your lower unit oil in the fall if you keep your boat outside over winter. If water from the boating season finds its way into the lower unit it may freeze and break the lower unit housing.


    I don't believe in changing plugs every year. I change them when they need it. Some will say at $6 a pair its "cheap insurance", but new plugs fail too. If you are on the water for hundreds of hours every year then go ahead and change the plugs every year, but for most folks the plugs will last for years. Of course, in my case I have a couple dozen outboards to maintain so changing the plugs every year would equate to about $150. To me that's not cheap insurance its madness.

  18. The kid has a nice voice but he does not sound like the Cash that I remember.


    That's exactly what I thought. Nothing spooky about it. Different guy, different voice. I'm not knocking the kid. He has a nice voice. He's just doesn't sound like Johnny Cash.

  19. They had a booth at the Toronto Sportsman Show. They are made in China. The guy at the booth claimed that they are the exact same motor as both Mercury and Yamaho motors. According to him, both Mercury and Yamaha outsource their production of smaller motors to China.


    It did look that same as a Merc on the outside. I didn't remove the cowling to see if they are the same on the inside.


    Mercury has outsourced small motors to Yamaha. Yamaha makes there own. I've heard, but can't confirm with any evidence that both Sail and Parsun motors are either rip-offs of old Yamaha designs or that they've bought old Yamaha design rights for motors that no longer meet EPA standards. They may be the same or similar design, but they don't have the same QA/QC or materials of a Yamaha.


    Making a small outboard that runs is pretty easy. Matching the right mix of cheap parts and labour to keep the price down without sacrificing build quality is the problem.

  20. Parsun is trying to enter the North American market. I haven't heard much good about them, yet. The biggest problem is a lack of a dealer and parts network. If something goes wrong its not the 17 year old at CTC that

    ll be trying to fix it, it'll be the 9 year old back in China that put it together. Think about that.

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