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Posts posted by wjw

  1. Another thought is video. In recent years I have fished Canada alone during my spring trip. In order to get some pictures of fish, I have a video camera secured to the back bench. When I hook a decent fish I will hit the record button and describe the action. The running camera makes for a quick release. With the side view finders you can tell if you are "off camera". Even if your out of view, the audio keeps the video interesting. If the weather is rough I will put the camera away while moving. I always enjoy watching the videos during the winter.

  2. A few weeks back a fellow was reported missing after heading out on Nipissing to ice fish. Luckily, the man was located safely near Blueberry Island the next day. Has there been any discussions to upgrade the cell phone signal strength for the Nipissing/Upper French fishing area?


    I take a cell phone with me out on the water but can only obtain a weak signal off the backside of Sandy Island near Canoe Pass. From a safety point of view it would make sense to increase the signal. From a dollar and cents viewpoint, maybe not. I realize that the larger boats have radios but the smaller boats do not. What's your thoughts?

  3. I have not seen the Musky Hunter show but enjoy the magazine (assuming that they are the same). Does anyone know if it is carried in Ohio?


    I have watched the Angler's Edge a number of times and enjoy it. With the world the way it is today, I think the 30 second religious segment is refreshing.

  4. Congratualations Bernie and thanks for sharing the story.


    About 15 years ago we had a large satelite dish at our Ohio home and picked up many Canadian programs. I really enjoyed watching Curling. My daughters at first thought that I was "putting them on" but eventually realized that I found the sport interesting. They both played basketball and could not understand how someone could spend hours watching a slow paced game like curling. This past winter olympics changed all of that. They both took a rooting interest and even taped the matches that could not be watched live. I wish the states would carry it more often.

  5. I have been using 12 lb Stren "Sensor" for the past 5 years. I love the low-stretch quality and the hook setting ability of the line when fishing for pike. I have had very few breakoffs and have brought in 2 50+ inch muskies using it. I used Trilene XL prior to the Stren. Last year I had difficulty finding the Sensor and believe that it may have been discontinued.

  6. About 15 years ago I had a small pike slip out of my hand and the second treble hook dug deep into the web of my hand. It took about 20 minutes to force the hook out the back side. I cut the shaft below the barb and backed the remaining shaft out.


    When I returned to camp, I was told to soak the hand in warm+ with salt and repeat the application as often as possible. The next morning there was no pain or infection. Over the years I have used this salt "bath" on a number of times and it worked like magic.

  7. I had this happen to me on Nipissing about 15 years ago. I lost my grip on a small pike and it slapped the other treble deep into the web of my hand. The most immediate problem was securing thrashing fish. It took me 20 minutes to force the tip though and then I cut the wire below the barb. I then backed the shank out.


    Back at camp, I was told to add salt to warm+ water and soak it as much as possible. I did this throughout the evening and the next morning there was no pain or infection. The salt draws out the posions. I have used this salt "bath" a number of times since and it works like magic.

  8. I bought the Frogg Toggs rainsuit at the Cleveland Sportsman show for $59 four years ago. I am very pleased with it. The suit is light weight and keeps me warm & dry. In addition to fishing, it easily fits into a golf bag and has accompanied me numerous times to fall high school football games.

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