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About inshoreangler

  • Birthday 03/31/1953

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  • Location
    North Port Florida
  • Interests
    Favorite fish is one with fins! I practice a belief of "Positive Mentoring through Fishing" and believe that one day this mission statement will far out live myself and be an everyday occurrence. Hunting, Blogging, Fishing of course and people. Ain’t it Great to be Alive! “FISH ON!”

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  1. Glad to be of help. And when your down here please give me a shout and maybe I can hook you up with a big Bull Shark. Don't worry about equipment on the sharks between myself and our club members we will get er done. Should you get the chance, our shark guys & gals have a website at The Island Anglers. Check it out for tides, info and whatever for fishing the Venice area because that is what we do...Fish Venice.
  2. Hope your trip works out for you and all with you have a wionderful time visiting/angling our Venice, Florida Paradise. I live in North Port, 18 miles south of Venice, but fish usually in Venice about 85%of the time for both freshwater and salt. For even a better treat you need to visit Snook Haven on the Myakka River, a wonder in fishing and views. Where else can you fish at eyeball level with a 14 foot gator catching large mouth Florida Bass of the five to seven pound variety on a low tide; switching gear on tidal change to Snook, Reds, Trour and small Bull sharks on the incoming tides. Play lazy and catch freshwater bull or flatheads (catfish) with some chicken liver and blue crabs with the fried chicken bones left over from your lunch? North Port has over 1500 miles of freshwater canals loaded with over 42 varieties of freshwater fish too include, Black to Peacock Bass and Chilids or Oscars. The Little Manatee River as well the Upper Manatee offers bassin as well the lakes of the Myakka, all within 20 miles of downtown. Great fishing in area lakes By By Corbin Dyer Corbin is a local outdoors writer for one of our local angling publications that comes out weekly, the lakes mentioned are anywhere from an hour to two hours from Venice, depending on the time of year and traffic. Miles of open beaches to surf fish along with two jetties of the Venice Inlet. Sharky's on the Pier to the south on Harbor Road offers an outside restauarant on the beach with a 720 foot fishing pier regulated by the city, its police officers and our group The Island Anglers. You can find more information on fishing every pier in florida as well rules and what not on their website The Island Anglers. Hope this helps you on your trip and when your down, give me a holler and maybe we can hook 'em up. "FISH ON!"
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