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Posts posted by Casey123

  1. I hear you, living in Hamilton, The Grand River makes a great eveingfishing advendutre.


    I am sure we would enjoy it even more if we didn't have to pack out a garbage bag of trash every week from our favourite holes.


    And why the hell do people feel the need tothrough bicycle frames in the water?????????????


    We spend a little less timefishing in southern ontario every year. Between the garbage and the iggnorant's on the rivers it seems like it is more hassel then it is worth.

  2. At the end of may 36" to 42" pike are the norm, we like the bays on the south end of the lake. When the water heats up towards the end of June the big pike are harder to locate but there are still plenty of 8 to 10lbs to be had.

    Every spring a group from the Marina on the south end of the lake have a catch and realease pike tourney.

  3. Another thing that we really enjoyed about Chandos ......THe attitude towards conservation of the locals!!! :thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim::thumbsup_anim:


    Apparently the fishery was in serious trouble about 10 to 15 years ago, with closed season(hard water), fishing sanctuaries and good resect for the lake, it has become a real gem close to southern ontario.

  4. Can't help you out with a cottage BUT early season Pike rock in this lake. Fishing the south west bay's has produced many 40"+ pike for us in late May, and the best part is as longas the water is still cold enough the fish are really shallow and you can top water for them.

    In the Summer the deep drop offs on the with Spinner Baits, I usually make my own, Double Willowleaf Blades(size sevens) add a 4" or 5" twister tail to beef up the size.

    Also, some of the locals have told us that there are walleye in the lake, we have never seen or caught any but this spring when we go I am going to bring my camera and do a little looking.

  5. 5 Mile Lake Lodge about 30km south of Chapleau.


    Dave and Christine are great.


    Lots of fish, 50/day for my wife and I every day we were there. They are conservation minded and frown on keeping the big ones. My wife and I ave fished Dog Lake, It blows,Racine lake was alright, but more of a piss up place for the locals. I got a 43" Pike in a

    Racine and 15 to 20 eyes every day.


    If you hit 5 mile lake exxpect to fish shallow, less then 7 feet. The eyes average 16" to 20" and you will loose a tonne of jigs to the hammer handle pike.


    You can hit some of the surrounding streams for Specs, every ditch has them in the area.


    Anymore info please feel free to PM me.

  6. So,

    This September my wife and I went to Dog Lake, North West of Chapleau. (By the way out of all the lakes we have fished in this area, Dog Lake was by far the suckiest).

    It is a Big lake, we stayed in the far North West Corner. One day we decied to pack into a portage lake. We walked about 3 kms throught the bush on somethng you couldn't even consider a trail.

    We got down to the shore and what do you think we found..........

    Garbage, thats dang right.....American Beer and Pop cans, I know because here in Canada we don't use Fluid Ounces to measure liquid and the lat time I checked we havn't in over 30 years.

    For the love of God, man, if people can take the effort to lug crap to a fishing spot....take it out.....Hey you stupid litter bugs F.Y. I. its a hell of alot lighter when its empty. :wallbash::wallbash::wallbash:

    Wow, I feel better with that off of my chest.

  7. You can try 5 Mile lake Lodge in Chapleau, the owners are great, lots of walleye and pike with in a 1 minute boat ride(we were catching and realeasing 50 eyes a day). There are tonnes of little creeks around loaded with specs. It is about a 7 hr drive from Toronto(710 km to be exact if you take the Industrial Road Short Cut.

    Not recommended if you have hemroids, they should call the maintenance equipment the bumper not the grader.


    Anyways it is one of our favourite spots in Ontario.

  8. :worthy: Hi all,


    My wife and I are going to head up to North Bay one day this week before i leave on an extended work related trip.

    We would like to fish a smaller lake for some eyes.

    I want to be clear, I am not asking for GPS location or your secret honey hole pond that only you and grandpa know about.

    Just a nice smaller lake as we really dislike the crowds on the Big Nipp.

    Thanks in advance,

    Hopefully I can return the fav some day.


    :worthy: :worthy: :worthy:

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