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Everything posted by mrpink

  1. First mention of gun control and most get their knickers in a bunch. I am Canadian, but lived in the USA for 3 years, Texas of all states. I have grown up around firearms my entire life, rifles, shotguns, handguns and still enjoy the sport of skeet and long range, but I do feel that certain checks and balances are required for those who wish to own any firearm. There are certain firearms that have very little purpose besides in a hostile environment. Any AR platform with a box magazine, what purpose does this pose for a hunter or sportsman, just one of many possible examples. Simple fact, society is a messed up place, some worse then others. America stands by a constitutionalr night that was written in a time, by people that could not even fathom the outcome of their decisions. But when it comes to the health and well being of their people, it seems those rights are not as important. Until someone finally addresses the root cause, a society with a self centered, my rights are more important then others, America will continue to see their innocent gunned down while trying to achieve that "American dream"
  2. Must say, that was a disappointing week of fishing. While the cottage and lake were both great, the fishing was really lacking. We have been renting cottages for a week in the summer for the past several years in the Haliburton area, and this was the least productive. While I don’t mind spending some time trolling or jigging, I prefer spending time drifting and casting the shore lines in hopes of a nice hit, never happened this week. I did not land a single fish using any hard baits, only live or tubes worked for me. Previous years we have rented cottages on Soyers or Kashagawigamos Lakes and it was night and day difference. Last year on Kash, managed to pull in my PB smallie at just over 5lbs, and then found a sweet spot on Soyers where almost every cast ended up with a 2-3lb smallie coming in. Maybe the difference in temps between this year and last was part of the problem, but I do think there is a difference in the basics of the lake and the fish within them. Thanks to all for the tips and insights, helped with some of the frustrations.
  3. Moved to deeper water as suggested and better luck. Finding drops of about 25-30 being the best. Still no monsters, but getting bigger and more numbers. Thanks for the tips
  4. Fishing has been tough. Cranks, spinners, body baits, plastics, live baits and best has been a 2lb. Found lots of spots that look like they should hold some beasts, bays with lots of dead heads and timber stacked up on the bottom, just not getting the results. Any suggestions on which area of the lakes I should be trying?
  5. Launch was ok. Paved as stated for the first part, and got deep nice and quick. Only thing that wasn't good was a spot to tie up. Had to get the wife to hold the ropes while I dealt with the truck. I'll see how the fishing goes..... Thanks for the info
  6. Thanks. The info has been appreciated
  7. Thanks for the info. I thought that would be the closest, but wanted to confirm. After I launch, I'll take the boat and the wife will drive the truck, which is why I'm looking for the closest one. Is that launch a decent one? Know some up in the back lakes can be questionable.
  8. Have a cottage rented for a week in August on Redstone and a couple questions that I am hoping members here might be able to assist with. Our cottagei s located in Piccadilly Bay, which of the multiple launches would be the best to use? Looking at some maps, it seems the lake is also attached to Pelaw lake, is it possible to boat to or is the river too shallow? Any tips on what works and doesn't work for fishing the lakes? thanks for any insight
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