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About Brucki

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  1. I second this... get the onion rings
  2. Hey Guys, Looking to head up to fish the Ottawa river. I typically fish around the Timiskaming dam, however i know it is a fish sanctuary for pickerel so the Opening date is June 15th instead of the 3rd sat in May. My question is, where is the border of the fish Sanctuary? If i launch from the Dam, how far up the river do i have to travel to be able to fish? ..... Not sure if i can wait until the 15th to head out hahah
  3. hahah, love classic rock... old school rap. Some house music (im 23),,,,, cant stand country,
  4. Thanks guys, i will post some pics of the boat along with any fish i catch Saturday evening. Hahaha, anyone willing to share some knowledge is welcome on the new rig.
  5. Thanks, Blue and White .... as bad as it has been, things are looking up. Thanks, Cheers, looking forward to putting it good use. Noted, calling for great weather with 10-15 km winds. If it gets sketchy at all, i will be in the river drifting for steelies Thanks, Currently about 15 min outside of Toronto, in Mississauga.
  6. Hey Guys, New to the board, just wanted to introduce myself. Brief description of myself.... I am only 23 but have been fishing my whole life. my dad got me into the sport while i was really young. I have two passions, hockey and fishing. I recently just purchased a 16 ft legend with a 4 stroke 40 hp Honda, and am looking to explore some new waters this year. In the past, i have spent a lot of time fishing for pike, bass and pickerel in the summer months, while spending time in the fall hunting salmon on the credit. With this gorgeous weather. I am heading out to the Niagara Bar Saturday, i will post a report upon my return (assuming i have some success) Cheers,
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