hey everyone i am new to this site. I don't know if this topic is what this site is for but here it goes. About 5 or maybe more years ago I went to the Carp hunting and fishing show and found some lures that a local was making. these lures have caught me more fish than i can count but over the years i have slowly been loosing them and i am down to my last 2. i was wondering if anyone whould know where i can get more. I don't have a pic because they are up at the camp but i am going up on the long weekend and will get pics of them and post them.
what they are is a plastic minnow head which is hollow, your real minnio head goes inside of the plastic one and a trebble hook which is attached to the plastic head is attached to the real minnow under the belly. these lures are excellent for troling because they dont spin and the minnow runs straight.
if anyone know the name of these or know where i can buy more it would be greatly appreciated.