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Posts posted by JustinHoffman

  1. Chris Brock - Christine was a fixture on the Fish-Hawk forums for many years. She is also a member of the Reelbuddies board. That is how she knows a bunch of the guys, as she would go on many of the group trips and events - and fishes with many of the members regularly. A few of the pics I have taken of her have been published in OOD magazine, also.


    An extremely accomplished multi-species angler....that like I said, generally out fishes me! haha.




  2. Hello All,


    Just wanted to say that I passed along this thread to Christine and she was very appreciative of all the kind comments and well wishes.


    As for your comment, 'outlaw' - I will leave you with this. After doing a bit of research, a 56" fish (girth of 26") caught in 2009 was deemed the largest muskie ever taken from the lake according to records kept by the Michigan-Ontario muskie club.

    If a bigger fish has come from those waters since then, it is unknown. If not, Christine's fish would be the second largest ever caught from St. Clair.


    Would I deem that a monster? A trophy? A giant? I'd say yes to all three.


    But that's just me.


    Good fishing to all...



  3. Hello All,

    Some may have heard, but my good friend Christine Cope landed a monster 55" muskie this past Saturday while fishing Lake St. Clair. Not only is this fish long, but it is fat and such a clean-looking specimen.

    I put together a short write-up detailing the catch after talking with Christine yesterday. You can find it here:



    Good Fishing,


  4. Hello All,


    Headed out to the deer woods (public land/non-hunting) this past Sunday with the camera to do some photography, as well as to set up the trail cameras. Checked on them today and the first had 38 videos (2 minutes each in length.) Much to my surprise, videos 1 and 2 showed two bucks sparring! Definitely my best trail camera capture to date.


    Definitely a 'feeling out' kind of tussle. That will change in a few weeks when it will be an all out war.


    Cams were set up on the NCC Greenbelt here in Ottawa.


    Will be back to check the cams again in a couple of days - looking forward to seeing what I've captured this time!


    (watch in 1080p HD for best quality)









  5. Hello All,

    The green heron can be a tough little bird to find and photograph - especially in true wilderness locations. While out fishing this past Friday, I was fortunate to spot this one. It would fly 50 feet down the shoreline each time it spotted me, eventually settling in a spot for a shallow water stalk and stealth hunt.

    After taking a few dozen images, I set the camera to video in hopes of catching some action. The little bird didn't disappoint! Pretty impressive to watch how quickly and accurately it strikes - then manipulating the fish to swallow it whole.

    Rideau River, Merrickville - August 7, 2015

    (watch in 1080p HD for best quality)


    Cheers, Justin

  6. Outlaw - Although I spend a tonne of time in the woods (have hiked 194 km's in just the last three months) I have yet to ever see one. Quite elusive and very nocturnal. I have captured two different fisher in two separate locations. Both by either a swamp or creek. Saw lots of fresh tracks in this latest spot along the frozen creek, and since I had just cooked a turkey the day before (and was going to toss the neck/giblets) I decided to set it up and see what came in.

    Very cool little animals for sure...


    Thanks for watching.





  7. Hello All,


    Captured my best video trail camera footage of a fisher this past week. Very cool - and somewhat secretive animals - it is always neat to see their behaviours on film.
    A coyote showed up the night before, but unfortunately, seemed to be spooked by the trail camera, and never came closer than 20 feet.




    Here is the same fisher, filmed earlier in the week, trying to strong-arm my trail cam. Can only imagine what a bear would do! haha.





    (watch in 1080p HD for best quality)








  8. Interesting. From what I have read, they are extremely solitary, pairing up only to mate. And, after five months, the mother pushes the kits out and they are on their own. Could very well have been a family you had, Irishfield - makes the most sense.


    And yes, that would be quite a site to watch them 'zip' open a porky. This spot is filled with porcupines - as well as a tonne of snowshoe hares - so he is eating well I would assume.


    Yes, watched a documentary on wolverines, Joey - very nasty machines!


    Would be interesting to have one as a fishing partner, manitoubass! haha!!!

  9. Wow! Big difference between the winter and summer coats, isn't there irishfield? I'm guessing mine is a male - they are much bigger than the female:


    Male 35 - 47" long, 8 - 13lbs.

    Female 30 - 37" long, 4 - 6lbs.


    Saw a YouTube video of a hunter using a predator call to bring one in - it came in quick. Might have to give it a try next time I hit the woods. Would love to get a day time shot with the camera.


    Thanks for sharing...





  10. Hello All,

    The fisher is a carnivorous and forest-dwelling mammal, rarely seen due to their nocturnal habits. Showing a preference for snowshoe hare, they are also one of the few predators to successfully hunt porcupine.

    For all of the hundreds of kilometres I hike in the woods each year, other than a dead specimen two summers ago, I have yet to see one of these creatures. Fortunately, last week I captured a short clip of one while trying to gather some beaver footage with my trail cam...era.

    I decided to put the camera back up again a few days ago, in hopes of recording more footage. A fisher's hunting range can be 14.1 km's squared in the winter, so it can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack. To increase my odds, I put out four frozen chicken breasts, in hopes that the smell might draw him in.

    It worked, and two nights ago I was able to capture 10 minutes of footage showcasing this delightful animal.

    NCC Greenbelt - Ottawa, Ontario
    November 22, 2014
    (watch in 1080p HD for best quality)




  11. Brian B. - Great footage. I have been fishing in late evening when one of these guys 'slaps' their tail! Certainly can give you a fright!! lol


    Very cool, Matt. Surprised it wasn't a bit more aggressive to you. Still, probably not a good idea to pet one ;)


    And thanks for all of the other kind comments. Being out in nature and recording it, either with camera or trail cam, is definitely a passion. Always happy to share...





  12. Hello All,


    Earlier this week, while hiking one of my favourite spots for photographing whitetails, I came upon a marshy area. Approximately 50 yards inland, a beaver had been busy cutting down trees and dragging them to the water.
    I decided to set up my trail camera on Monday in hopes of catching him in the act. That night I filmed him eating tree bark, preening, and rubbing his belly like their was no tomorrow.


    The following night the marsh was frozen solid, so this will be the last I will see of him this year.


    I also captured a fisher quickly grabbing a drink, just two hours before the beaver appeared!


    (watch in 1080p HD for best quality)









  13. BillM - I'll try my best. Saying that, not sure if he will listen, lol.

    AKRISONER - I personally don't hunt, although I have nothing against and actively support it. Just was never brought up with it I guess. I work for various fishing and hunting magazines and tag along on plenty of hunts to capture the action on film. The spot where this trail cam footage was shot is private non-hunting land. It is where I do all of my deer photography for stock and magazine work. Beautiful creatures.....and tasty too :)



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