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Everything posted by larryb

  1. I've used baitcasters for years and agree with a few of the other guys in here as to #14 Stren or even Vanish, (seeing as you like it already anyways) being as tough as you'll need for most stuff. Most trebles that you find on crankbaits, will straighten out enough to release the lure, with a steady pull on #14 Stren, so you don't really need 50 or 80 pound line for 2 or 3 pound bass. Besides, once you find a line you're happy with over the years, it usually does not pay to try out a bunch of others just because someone said they were great. Seriously, get a nice fresh spool of 14-15# Vanish, OR, if you are a "line watcher" like I am, score some flo/blue Stren in #14 or 17# and you wil NOT be disappointed. P.S. Tiny tip... Make sure you set the "slippage" on your reel to the weight of the lure you are going to use. With the button in and your thumb off the spool, the lure should just barely pull line off the reel as you hold the rod steady, in a horizontal position. If it doesn't, then loosen the brake blocks the slightest tad, until it does. If it slips too fast, tighten up on the brake blocks a smidgen. Hope that helps buddy. Have a good one.
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