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About gkasko

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Muskoka, ON & Waterloo, ON
  • Interests
    Fisheries management
    Freshwater resource management
    Fish and wildlife population ecology
    ...Anything that bites my hook

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Newbie (1/10)



  1. Had a great time last week exploring Muskoka and fishing Couchiching. Hopefully taking a trip to Quinte in the coming months. Cheers!

  2. We had pretty good luck last week. Landed at least 25-30 fish each per day. Would have been S.O.L without the fishfinder though!
  3. Wow great first trip of 2015. How thick is the ice at Couchiching? Cool video, by the way.
  4. CANADA WINS IIHF U20 GOLD! Fantastic game and well deserved!

  5. Checked out a couple smaller lakes outside of Fraserburg today. ~4 inches of ice in sheltered bays. Noticed a lot of sled tracks further out into the lakes as well. Take care and look before you leap!

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