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Everything posted by moocow

  1. Yep did Jordan this morning 7 - 12, notta nothing. 39 degrees but still a beauty day. Next time
  2. Thanks Steve, yes my plan is to stick close to shore and if that fails ... well I guess deeper for some possible lakers. Have been thinking Pickering or Bruce plants might also be a better option. Never been to either and a Bit of a drive for me but might improve the chances ?
  3. Does anyone with experience on L. Ontario spring browns know how the weather this week will have affected the chase ? I'm sure with all the rain & wind things must be stirred up. Mud line will be out quite aways but will the browns remain in close ? Thanks, Moo
  4. Thats what I call fishing ! Too many times when Ive been out trolling and dragging everything but the kitchen sink I often wonder " why aren't I jigging with a minnow " or wow what a nice fish too bad the fight ended so quickly and the fish is half dead. On Erie we troll lead cores etc and yes its a very productive method for big walleyes, but the fight equates to dragging up a wet sock. By then the fish is beyond resuscitation. Anybody have recommendations on productive jigging methods / etc for Erie walleye? Id rather give up some quantity for quality?
  5. Hi Members, Several weeks ago I mentioned I was going to Island Lake Camp on Thistle Lake. Upon arriving I found this lodge and owner to be of the utmost. Gord was very professional and after we settled in, took the guys out for a tour of the lake. The cottages were very clean and everything was in order. The screened porches were a real hit. The camp assistant was a young lad named Ben. All I can say about this young adult was he was one of the best workers / friendly, obliging individuals I have ever met. If all people had the ethics this guy did the world would be a much better place. The fishing was decent with all the walleye and pike taken within the first few days. The weather that came through seemed to slow things down. The lakes very accommodating, easy to get around, controlled by dams. Its not a big lake but great for a few days of r&R. Would be great spot to take the wife. Our crew as always had a fantastic trip, thats it till the next trip. Thanks, Moo Cow
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