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C haefele

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About C haefele

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  1. 4 of us fished esser lake sept. 2014. Twin lake outfitters did a great job at a reasonable price. The water was very low and warm and walleye were tough to come by. Drifting the river or trolling shoreline in the evening produced a few fish per day. They were nice fish. All 3-4lbs each but 25 fish in a week was disappointing. Lots of pike in shallows. Everything from 10 inch to 10lbs. The cabin was nice and totally equipped. The boats were 14 ft with 9.9 mercs. that ran fine with plenty of fuel available. With the water so low most of the lake had rocks just under the surface. It was impossible not to hit them. Many places had only 3 or 4 feet of water. The air temp for the week was in the 70's with Saturday reaching 80 with sun all week. Not good fishing weather. A group at patience lake did poor on walleye also. The water level on these lakes is determined by the hydro plant on ogoki reservoir.
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