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About bobq

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  1. Right on, that's a monster pike. Way to go.
  2. Excellent, Nicholas is hooked now . Nice Buck. I sure Dad will be proud. Looks like you's did not get any of the snow. Great report of another sucessful harvest. I got the fever.
  3. How about " Floating aloan"
  4. Cool pictures of the Bear. We need one of you holding a bouque of the yellow flowers with the bear in the back ground. hehe
  5. Where I am , he didn't see his shadow this morning and will stay out. May be he will go fishing, instead of hibernating.
  6. Money for the MNR should not be a problem for the MNR if Life time Fishing license were avalable. They would make more. Let's throw a price at it of $499 for a life time fishing license. If they invest a a good interest rate. 10 % . And we apply the rule of 72 , it should double every 7 years. 500 1000 7yr 2000 14 yr 4000 21 yr. 8000 28 yr $ 27.58 * 28yr = $ 772 They make more , if they are smart... And manage it properly of cource...
  7. Our options are one year or three year renewal for Ontario Fishing License. Why not a life time option? Of course it would cost more , but then you are done. No inflation, I met a friend while traveling in Texas. When we started talking about huntin and fishin , he pulled out his Texas life time fishing license. Said he had it since he was 18. He dad had purchased for him. Pretty cool, Ontario should offer the same. They would make great gifts.
  8. Right On TJ, Looks very cosey. Are you's having any luck with the huntin? Birds, Rabbits.
  9. Without the picture, this would be hard to believe. Pogo Moose Incident - 'They were laying new power cables which were strung on the ground for miles. The moose are rutting right now and very agitated. He was thrashing around and got his antlers stuck in the cables. When the men (miles away) began pulling the lines up with their big equipment, the moose went up with them. They noticed excess tension in the lines and went searching for the problem. He was still alive when they lowered him to the ground. He was a huge 60 inch bull and slightly peeved!' As they say in Canada ~ 'Is there a Moose in your Hoose' !! Some one had to make it Canadain , eh,
  10. did you got the deer?
  11. Way to go, Start the BBQ. Venison is great cooked in the ice hut on the wood stove.
  12. We will post the hunt story with some details and a few more picture's. You will want to hear Marc's version of it. Here's Marc at the meat pole, Independant toque , and ipod.
  13. We have been huntin my cousins farm for 15 years now. This year only had a couple of days instead of the usual week, as I used two weeks vaction for the west hunt. But thats all we needed. This year Marc shot his first deer and kept his cool, " Until later in the camp of course " It was the day after rememberance day, Nov 12th. But a day we will both remember. Here is our camp.
  14. 91 Dodge, will be pulling my new boat . I will be calling it " Floating aloan "
  15. Take a walk on the wild side, or maybe just visit the room.
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