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About dss44

  • Birthday 07/19/1988

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  • Location
    Port Hardy, BC

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  1. What's the point of asking him his views on those subjects?? To find out where he lies on the political spectrum?? Then try to attack him for being (assumingly right wing...sorry for the assumption in advance)? I'm going to try not to go onto a political rant here....but one thing is certain....his views are ones from experience from being over there in countries in war conditions...I'd say thats a lot more reliable than yours.
  2. Love to see some pics....
  3. yeah 5X as much and i have a 08 ford 350
  4. I've always wanted to go and fish tarpon. I always watch the pro tarpon tour on WFN...looks like a lot of fun!! I'm lucky enough to get to guide for salmon and hali's all summer long, so I don't think I can really complain about doing a dream fishing trip....
  5. Any of you guys go to Alaska or BC fishing every year, or want to? If so, biggest salmon/halibut when you went? David Serengeti Fishing Charters www.serengetifishingcharters.com
  6. Here she is, 2006 Pursuit 305OS. Just got er for our fishing charter company....she rides incredibly smooth in the water and cruises at 37mph. David Serengeti Fishing Charters www.serengetifishingcharters.com
  7. Hey guys, Just curious as to how many have been salmon or halibut fishing out our way? It's some great times, here are some pictures of some fish our clients/we caught this past year! David Serengeti Fishing Charters www.serengetifishingcharters.com 51lbs!!!
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