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About Fishing_Tiler

  • Birthday 09/25/1990

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  1. hey there, formerly urbanangler., looking to get out tomorrow, been a few years since ive casted one little nervous and excited. where shall I go ive been out of it for sometime that ive got no idea where to go. im coming out of scarborough area willing to go to Toronto or local is fine, whatever the bite is now, ill do some research now. later
  2. Hey dsn, you and I both, I'm looking forward to dusting off my equipment
  3. Welcome, great place here
  4. Thanks Brian B aka misfish, thanks ccmt, i remember you both well, nice to see yall
  5. Hello! Nice to see this site still operating! My last username here was urbanangler. I'm 23 now and for past 3,4 years I've been working, lived at a couple address, and had other things take up my time such as work and gf, and dog. Well I'm back and eager to get back into fishing. I recognize old members from the past, nice to see yall!
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