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About meg

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  1. Thanks everyone for the great comments about my work, I really appreciate it. Its funny how Im joining all of these fishing websites to promote my art LOL To answer your questions I graduated in 2006 from Lakehead University from the fine arts program. The reason I am working at DNR Sporting Goods is because I came home to work for the summer. I was living in Southern Ontario with my boyfriend (the jeff gordon fan) and we broke up. So I decided to stay home and DNR decided to keep me on full time, I have worked there off and on for 8 years. I am applying for my Masters to start next fall and I will hopefully be going to the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. I mainly do commission drawings and if there is anything anyone would like drawn, (like an 88 car) just contact me at [email protected], I draw just about everything. I price by size. For a bigger version of my drawings just view them on my site and at the top is says all sizes click that and it gives you the option for more view sizes. http://www.flickr.com/photos/beautyinmetal/ Thanks again everyone!
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