Hello ice fishing enthusiasts,
For those of you who don't know me, I'm Yannick Loranger, full time guide on the Ottawa River. Although I've been living in Rockland, just east of Ottawa, for the last 7 years, I'm originally for Northeastern Ontario.
I'm inviting you to come spend a few days in my backyard with me for an ice fishing adventure to Lake Abitibi and some backwoods trout lakes. Last year's group enjoyed both quanity and quality as the walleye were big and plentiful on Abitibi. The day of trout fishing saw us limit out on lakers, and then travel to a splake lake to then fill our aggreate limits. I'm sharing with you the best ice fishing I know of, and all within a half day drive from Toronto. Every year for the last 20 years my family has been fishing the same shoal in March, and every year same results: a ton of fish, including a bunch of big ones!
Here are the details:
Trip runs March 12th - 16th. (Wednesday to Sunday).
March 12th: Meet and greet at 1pm and an afternoon of fishing on Lake Temiskaming in New Liskeard, followed by travel to our motel in Englehart. Participants stay in Englehart due to its central location 40 mins from Lake Temiskaming, 70 minutes from Abitibi, and 60 minutes from our trout lakes.
March 13th: Lake Abitibi
March 14th: Trout Lakes
March 15th: Lake Abitibi
March 16th: travel back home.
Participants must supply snowmobile.
Cost is $600 pp and includes:
3.5 days of guiding, all fishing equipment, bait, fillets to bring home, heated shelters, luches and snacks, and a Thursday night fish fry.
Extra costs are: motel ($50/night for double occupancy), breakfasts and dinners, and gas. My goal with this trip is keep the total cost per person under $1000.
For more information or to book, don't hesitate to call me at 613.816.FISH (3474) or e-mail:
[email protected].
Tightest lines to all of you!
Yannick Loranger
Ottawa River Guided Fishing