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About SD402F

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  1. Very helpful guys, will try it out. What do you think I'd be likely to get off those spinners if I dropped them in the Beaver Mouth? Would V spinners or straight line spinners be better if you had to guess? Thanks all.
  2. I should add that I'm driving up so if there's any locations within a reasonable drive of there that are really productive, those would work too. Thanks again.
  3. Hey all, thanks for reading. I'm going up to a friend's place in Thornbury the weekend after Victoria day, and am looking to wet a line. I've never done any salmon or trout fishing, and am not really interested in going out and spending on special gear for that. (I'm only 17 and going to school next year!) I've read that in the Georgian Bay/Beaver River area there may be some pike fishing opportunities, anyone able to confirm this? I believe bass are still out of season unfortunately so I won't be worried about those. I don't believe I have access to a boat so shore fishing opportunities are mainly what I'm after. If anyone has any spots to check out or even tips on the right kind of bait this time of year (I've got a host of spinners, spoons and minnow lures) I would really appreciate it. PMs are always welcome. Thanks a ton everyone! Warren
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