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About hi09

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  1. well really i just want a place where the grand parents can hang out with the grand kids, litte camp fire at night type thing. Something close to a lake for fishing would be ideal...can you suggest anything around HH
  2. just got off the phone with Earla....i am really liking this place!
  3. wow... folks seriously THANKS Alot, i think i have good info above to get a good plan set up...from what i see in and around kawartha lakes seems to be my best bet, and i am thinking what you folks are saying is true, perhaps limiting my self to just 2 hours is no good.. but let me research a bit more and i will defo keep you posted..thanks again folks!
  4. Hey folks, wanted to get some input from you folks. I want to plan a small get away trip with my mom and dad. They are fairly old, and i am thinking the whole camping via tents wont work out. I live in mississauga, and want to get to a decent place where i can rent a cabin or cottage for a couple days. I have the kids with me 4 & 2 so 3 hour drives up north wont work. Anyone been to a cottage or cabin 1 -2 around toronto that they can recommend? any input as always is much appreciated...thanks
  5. err i wish i would of read this before we head....i saw some videos of guys using sedish pimples but misundertood for spoons...anywas good day man....how did u guys end up doing?
  6. if ure the afraz that i think u are..then i am going with U!
  7. im heading up in the a.m looks like u boys had a solid day!
  8. trying ice fishing at Innisfil Park tomorrow. A pro friend suggested, actually my first time ice fishing all together... any jig/lure advise suggestions? on topic of suggestions any newbie ice fishing tipe, clothing or gear wise... will post stats upon return, aiming to be on by 7ish morrow...thanks
  9. im going to bibrook this weekend...im a beginner fisher, considering the weather is crappie still the primary hit... any bait shops int he area where i can get these mico tubes.. any suggestions on how to rig the microtubes?
  10. good link!
  11. thanks for getting back i actually did get the tube from fishing word down towm - but had no luck i was trying with a slip float - i wish iw ould of read your reply before ehading out but ill try that next time... i just posted details of the trip: http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.p...mp;#entry226259 have a look tell me what you think sorry one rmoe question so if i am understnading ure suggested rig your sayin main line -> barrel swivel -> 3 feet line -> hook with tube what is the purpose of the swivel - and what abotu weights....how will you get a decent cast out with no weights specailly if your gonna have 3feet of line danglling when you cast... thanks man!
  12. hey guys so just got back from binbrook - no luck though... i think i really need to get onto a boat because up until now all my fishing has been off the shore and nothing to exciting.. anyways weather was great i took upper post advice and picked up some mini pink tubes (the came in a pack which looked to have some sort of grainy salt type stuff in it) anyways my rig was basically: 1 slip float thread -> small bead > slip float -> egg sinker -> hook with the tube - but as is said no luck im thinking maybe the hook was too big... basically after sliding the tube onto the hook the actuall hook part was kind of coming out the bottom end... also tried plastic worms with a worm weight set up texas rig - nothing - tried some pink and white grud - nothing - tried some crank baits - still nothing i was with some guy they were using tiny #12 hook with worm chunks on it - they were catching but just the little tiny fish couple inches i was aiming for something bigger... we were fishing at the rocks to the left of the dam or funnel looking thing.... anywyas still had a good time - after spending couple hours at that part we went to the other side of the park - towards the more beachy area but still nothing - i think it was too sunny then though it was arounf 12:30pm.... anyways had a question - when using crank baits, do you generally put on some weight as well?.... i ask because it almost impossible to cast out a decent length with just crank bait specially smaller sized one.... they are just so light....
  13. ok just went to wal mart to try and pick up some pink tubes but they had none, ill try and find a bte store on my way there tomorrow and try it out any special instruction or just hook it - bobber cast and wait...? thanks
  14. hey im actually going tomorrow to binbrook - so your saying tube jigs eh - im kind of a biginner was thinking about trying some of my crank bait - you think ill catch anything on that?
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