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About fishhatemybait

  • Birthday 06/13/1972

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  1. Hey All, My self and the kids are heading up to Vance's resort in 10 days. I have never been to this stretch of water before and would love to tap into some expertise here if possible. Any and all advice on locations, baits, lures, and your experience here would be great to have. Even what to expect would be awesome. Thanks in advance. Chris
  2. I have my motor in with Halton Marine right ow and they are top notch to deal with. Strong recommendation for them. Chris
  3. Hey All, I have seen one trip report from Horwood this year but was wondering if anyone can give me some tips on fishing it? We are heading up next saturday for a week and I am excited to get going! Any tips on color, patterns, spots, bait, depth, etc are all gratefully accepted. Thanks, Chris
  4. Hi All, I will be picking up the kid from Camp next Saturday (in between Bracebridge and Huntsville) and was thinking of stopping off and launching at Simcoe on the way back. Don't know tha lake at all from a launch, boating or fishing standpoint and would be looking for some advice. We could launch anywhere on the west side but directions are what I am looking for! Also, a spot to launch close to pike and bass is perfect. Not looking for a honey hole or anything, just some basic advice. Thanks, Chris P.S. I know there are a ton of othe lakes that way too and would consider any of those as well.
  5. Hello all, I was wondering if I might get some feedback about buying a used Fishfinder. I just got my first boat this year and was hoping to pick up a used one if possible. This would be my first finder so all the techie stuff is a bit beyond me so not sure what to look for or what to apy. The range of options and prices is huge so any feedback on what to look for and how much to pay would be great. Area to fish would be mostly down Niagara way with a trip to Detroit river and up north once a year. Thanks for any comments! Chris
  6. Hi All, Thought I had our spot this year all sewn up at Prairie Bee Lodge and lost the spot. Would love to get some ideas for a replacement. It's me and two boys (14 +11). 10 hours or so from Hamilton would be ok. I have my own boat this year so don't need a rental. Boat is 16 ft with 25 hp so could handle a boat in. I want remote but can't be completely alone with the two boys (safety first). Prairie Bee was going to charge us $500 for a week of houskeeping and I would like to keep close to that budget but could afford a bit more. Pike and walleye with smallmouth would be a bonus. I love pike and the chance to hook into a big one is a bonus but numbers are probably more important. The time of year I am looking at is mid-late August. Thanks, Chris
  7. Any Last minute Advice? We will probably take worms and leeches for bait and hope to get into some smallies and troll for pike. Any advice on spots or depth of water to try along with which lures to wash first would be most appreciated! Thanks Chris
  8. Hi there, Heading up to Kamaniskeg lake this year for my annual trip with the kids. We are going to camp this year at Chippawa resort. The plan is to rent a boat from the resort and then hunt up some fish! I have never been to the lake before let alone fished it. It looks good from what I can find and the price fit my budget this year. I am primarily a pike hunter but the kids really want ot get in to some bass this year and I have been told that the big lake as well as the smaller Green Lake both have some smallies. We will not likely be able to access the whole lake because of boat and motor size but would like to explore as much of the southern half as possible. Does any one know where I can find a topo map of the lake? Any hotspots to try? Depth? Lures? Bait? We are heading up Aug 20-23. Any and all help is appreciated! Thanks, Chris
  9. Hi There, I was thinking that I might try to switch it up this year when planning our fishing trip. Myself and 2 kids (11 and 13) have usually gone to a fishing camp and rented a cottage and boat for a few days. This year, due to costs, I am considering camping instead of a cottage. The place would need the following: reasonable boat rental, washrooms (no thunderclosets!), be within 8 hours of Hamilton, and also not too small as I have one kids worried about bears. We like to fish for Pike and Bass first but a few walleye for a fish fry would be great. Any suggestions? Thanks to all Chris
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