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Everything posted by henryko

  1. thx for the update!!
  2. Good luck man. Hope u hook some beauty tonite!
  3. wow, at least u saw some fishes being hooked. the morning i went there was nothing. So i guess the rain really does help!
  4. hope the rain this wkend can bring the salmon in closer to the pier...
  5. I was gonna say, it's raining nicely this wkend. so everybody grab their gear, and prepare for some nice salmon next wk by the pier!!
  6. Great tips! but i just wonder, so that means shouldnt really spoon all night at the pier? and should just use roe bags?
  7. have fun mikey. Let us know how it go. hope to see pics of some nice big salmon!!
  8. The bronte pier is pretty big. so we were not really casting side by side with each other. but many ppl try to get to the tip of the pier so that they can cast out to the lake.
  9. oh man, sounds like will have to stay there day after day so that i can be there when they just enter the river from the pier...lol
  10. If u are in the hamilton downtown area, go to bayfront park at the end of bay, or the pier 4 at the end of james. If you are in the west side of hamilton, go down to princess point. lots of ppl fish around the trail there. Note: you will be catching TONS of channel cats, before you can even see a bass...well, at least that's my experience...
  11. Under the bridge, eh? I will give that a try sometimes too!
  12. I heard the salmon stop feeding when they are in the river. can u tell me how and where can u catch them in rivers? cuz I am not a big fan of casting a spoon all night too...
  13. I decided to give salmon a try this yr. As I heard so many times about fishing salmon at bronte pier, I finally went there with my friend around 5am. We thought we would be the only ones there, since there were lightning going all over the place when we started driving. But surprise surprise, there were around 10 ppl all fishing for salmon already. (Apparently no one cares about lightning strikes??) So, we started trying out our new glow-in-dark cleos and wut nots. And for the entire time there (from 5am -8am)---nothing! not even anything that felt like a bite...lots of fishes jumping though... Well, at least it's not just me. All the ppl there fishing that night were all empty-handed, at least till the time we left... Now I think I will at least rest for a few days for my sore arms from all the casting...lol Anyone else planning to go to the Bronte pier anytime soon? Feel free to update the salmon status here!
  14. Thanks a lot, Tony! Well, seeing as it's already almost 2:30am, maybe I'll just hit the pier tonite around 4-5am like u said! now I just hope my 6' medium action rod with 10lb test line can handle the fish...lol
  15. Thanks for the tips. I've never been to Bronte b4. so i should go at night for the salmon? like around sun-down? and where should i park when i drive there?
  16. Hi, I am new here. Can you please tell me where in Bronte did you fish? I have only been fishing in hamilton and only been catching catfish and small bass. I'd love to try out for some salmon fishing in Bronte. I've heard ppl use marshmallow as bait for salmon. Does it really work? Thanks in advance!
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