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About Kanubis

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  1. Hi, there is only one issue: a curado reel is definitely more expensive here than in my country (like 25% with tax). Probably, i'll buy it after I return, but right now it's just not profitable; therefore, i want to to buy something else (I thought about daiwa viento). Actually, I'm very surprised at your opinions about Abu. After I read those positive reviews, I thought that this is a good reel. I usually use crankbaits (I retrieve baits very slowly) and chase basses, pikes, perches and few other species. Thanks
  2. Hi, thank you for warning. Yesterday, I was in the Bass Pro shop, and right now I'm glad that I didn't buy this reel (I read some good reviews though - http://www.basspro.com/webapp/wcs/stores/s...0001000_100-1-1 ) Please tell me what you recommend in this case.
  3. In my opinion it's just a kind of crucian carp... In Europe, we call it a silver crucian. It's a very invasive species. http://www.jjphoto.dk/fish_archive/freshwa...ius_gibelio.htm They're the same. Don't they?
  4. Great, thanks a lot. Could you tell me if you have abu garcia revos on stock?
  5. Hello, I came to Toronto for a couple of weeks and I need to buy a good baitcast reel, so I'm looking for a well-equipped store somewhere in downtown (or near downtown). Can somebody help me? Thank you Robert
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