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About elee886

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  1. Don't give up completely. My father is a rod builder and did a lot of repair work in the past. If you fish in Port Hope, let me know when you'll be there -- he goes there daily. Otherwise send a photo.
  2. A round rat-tail file is useful for reaming individual cork rings, if that's what you're using for the grips. Just be careful not to over-file. The rod finish should be available at your rod shop. It's like your usual two-part epoxy, but made especially for rod building. One important consideration: if you're fishing throughout the winter, I'd beware of using really small guides near the tip because of freezing. You probably thought it through already, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to mention. Lots of float fisherman have high frame guides all the way to the tip. Assuming weight near the tip is an issue (and it usually is), I prefer to use single-foot fly guides near the tip instead of the high guides. That way, you can use a larger ring size to slow down the freeze-up and still save weight. Best of luck, Eric
  3. I have to admit that it's not my first colour choice for a sunny day -- that would be black with orange spots. It just goes to show: always listen to your old man. Eric
  4. I had an hour to kill before dinner with my folks in Cobourg, so I went to check out Factory Creek. The creek was free of ice, but the water level was low considering that the mouth was wide open. Apart from one other angler, I had some feathered company. Using a yellow and orange lure of my Dad's creation (it's called the "Cheese Omelette" pattern) I made a half-dozen casts when I got a strike. The fight was about five minutes long and pretty enjoyable, especially since I hadn't caught a steelhead for about a month. Once I snapped the one quick photo, the fish was released none the worse for wear. Didn't take any effort to revive -- took off like a flash. With more warm weather for this week, I anticipate some good steelheading if the runoff doesn't muddy up the picture too much. Eric
  5. I appreciate the update. It's too bad you two didn't get out. Add me to the list of hopefuls waiting eagerly for the ice fishing conditions to firm up. Eric
  6. Thanks for everyone's comments. I spent about 4 hours on the handle; 3 hours on guide spacing, prep (filing the guide feet), and wrapping; plus another 3 hours flaming the wraps, applying masking tape, and applying the epoxy finish over the thread wraps. In total, it was about ten hours over two days. I'll take some photos of the finished product this coming weekend. Eric
  7. Last weekend's steelheading yielded no fish, so no fish pictures this week. I did manage to build myself a new ice fishing rod on the weekend, so it wasn't a total loss. Rod building is a hobby I picked up two years ago with some pointers from my Dad . This week's project is a 42" med. jigging stick for my occasional winter pickerel outings. I snapped a few pics to share. First is a line guide with the foot filed smooth prior to wrapping. You can see two of my Dad's in-process lures in the background. Next is a guide wrap under way, showing the two gold metallic trim rings on a garnet main wrap. Here is the rod after wrapping all the guides. Just need to trim the tag ends of the trim wraps, apply more masking tape, flame the thread to get rid of any fuzzies, and cover the thread with epoxy finish . Finally, here's the hook keeper. Swings up to accept a lure. Weather permitting, hope to get out on the ice by the 25th. Maybe then I'll have some fish pics to share. Eric
  8. Thanks for the welcome from Stan. I forgot to introduce myself before posting, so here goes it. I'm originally from Cobourg and currently live in Toronto. I started fishing as a kid in the seventies, so if I say "pickerel", I probably meant to say "walleye". Seriously, lots of my best times with my dad have been out on the water. I expect to go steelheading with him on the weekend, weather permitting, so I'll try to post a report soon. I don't often take fishing photos, but I'll try my best. Don't know if anyone's posted their New Year's resolutions yet, but mine are to get out ice fishing more often and to learn a little bit more fly tying from my dad. Thanks for the great forum and Happy New Year! Eric
  9. Don't forget sunglasses, sunscreen, and bolt cutters in case someone gets stuck with a hook. Also a scoop to clear your hole and a dip net if you're using minnows. Something to keep the kids occupied while they're not fishing will help to keep everyone happy. Hope you and your kids have fun! Eric
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