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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. I know it sucks outside but I did see a true sign of spring today.

    Hunkered down outside my window in oakville was a flock of about 100 swallows!

    They didnt look to impressed. If they can hang into friday and some warmer temps they should be ok.

    Not alot of calories in snow flakes.

  2. I think keeping smallmopuths INSTEAD of walleyes is maybe the way to go from now on.

    With many articles published lately it seems that the populations of smallmouth bass in the midwest are growing at arate that is forcing other species into non compettiveness. The increase in water temps seems to be the culprit.

    I for one have witnessed smallmouths over run my favourite largemouth/walleye lake over the last 10 years.

    I never keep bass but this year I think I will start


    Check out this months In-Fisherman for an excellent article about this.

  3. Rick is correct.


    An out of season fish is not a spawning fish.

    4 years ago we went to Dalrympal and caught 50 bass on the pike openor.

    We fished from 2-15 feet ...they were everywhere. We moved constantly and always hooked up on them.

    Water temp was 52........ this coincides with the first pre spawn feeding binge of largemouths.

    This does not make us poachers but victims of timing. Largemouth spawn when the temps approach 65.

    Pictures were taken as we unhooked many largemouths.

    Fish were released as soon as possible.

    People should vent on the low lifes that do this on purpose, IE: using no leader on June 5th while "fishing" for muskies.

    People need to chill out and not think that everyone is out raping the resource. Odds say that if the post here there most likely law abiding anglers.

    Give the guy or girl some credit.

    Sorry bu this topic gets my hackles up.

  4. Wondering how many people play for money on the site and what they think of it.

    I have been playing for maybe a year and consider myself an above average player.

    After 9 months I am still up in money but keep seeing more and more improbable plays that have made me think things are not on the up and up.

    I calculated a hands odds of 1 in 45000 that 4 pocket pairs from the ten up would be possible. Saw it the other night.

    Also I was beat 3 hands in a row where I was a 95% favourite. Not whining but it seems there is NO way for these hands to happen let alone being called if it was another person on the other end.

    I almost allways try to talk to the other person after bizarre beats and have had no response

    Is there any agency that looks at the code of these sights?

    I have many freinds that have quit playing online after being BINGOED or Internet pokered.

    Am I being paranoid??

  5. Hey Irishfield


    I have a trip booked for the 3rd week in June in Nipigon. We thought it was going to be too late for specks but with the forecast it might be just right.


    Biscotain the 2nd week, any guesses??? 2nd week in may maybe for Bisco and 3rd in Nipigon?

  6. Since we seem to be going backwards I was wondering if people would post there ice reports as opposed to there open water reports.

    I was at Quinte and it was all open yesterday but all of the coves and protected areas have refrozen.

    Also heard that alot of Simcoes open water has re frozen.

    Going to be a late ice out for sure.

    May 1st Geo Bay openor may need an auger in places with this forecast.

  7. Im glad they are out.

    Moosebunk is right on having full coverage. Wether you like the Sens or Pens you have to admit that this series is going to be FUN to watch!!


    As opposed to leafs getting bludgeoned by the Sabres!

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