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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. Dan is right........ weighing the fish isnt necessary a quick tape on it and a photo.

    Hard to tell from that picture. Thats the bummer when you are fishing alone. If you want a real measurement you either have to keep the fish or keep it out of the water longer.

    I once had a muskie on by nmyself that was so big that after I realized its size I don't know what I would have done!

    1 week to go on Lake O.... there is a 30 pounder waiting for someone.

    My avatar is a 48 inch fish but I didnt measure it around so when I had the reproduction done at Advanced I told him to fit the girth. Turns out it was close to 24 inches around.

    I call it a 30 but it could have been anywhere from 27-33 lbs.








    The reproduction










  2. How depressing.... looking at the Environment Canada website on Great Lake ice coverage. In the last few weeks when we are supposed to be slowly loosing ice we gained more then at any other time in the year!

    Without a very significant warm up ( which isn't forecasted) it looks like ice out will be at least 3 weeks later then normal.

    Hey I am just the messenger!



    Check it out.





  3. I have replied to the thread about this under the fishing news but felt compelled to post this on the regular board due to the amount of questions I have been receiving over the last few weeks on recent headlines.


    Recent headlines have highlighted the discovery of various chemical compounds in our lakes that have detrimental effects on the fish populations due to hormonal disruptions.

    These compounds are called endocrin disrupters and the adversely effect the reproduction of fish species and other animals exposed to these compounds.


    Since this is my field of expertise. I think that the some of the sensatinlizing of this story needs to be put in context.

    I have spent the last 23 years in the field of water and wastewater treatment.

    The discovery of endocrin disruptors is not a recent find. This has been at the fore front of water and wastewater research for the last 5-7 years. For some reason the media decided to run with the story of late and of course never bothered to follow up on progress that has been made in this field.

    This would have been a good article 6 years ago but it doesnt inform the public of the treatment options that are being utilized to eliminate and destroy these compounds.

    The category of endocrin disruptors is a broad category that encompasses all traces of drugs that have a hormonal effect on fish that live in the receiving waters of wastewater plants.

    There are two main ways of limiting this effect on the environment.

    1. Proper disposal of Medications...... Take them back to the pharmacy for disposal.

    2. Destruction of the compounds in wastewater effluent and water intakes thru the use of advanced oxidation methods ( ozonation and ultra violet light) and becoming more common is the use of nanofiltration by membrane filtration.


    Currently in the Region of Halton and many other municipalities in Ontario, ozone, UV and nanofiltration have been added to the existing facilities. These treatments destroy the compounds and reduce there concentrations by between 95 and 99%

    This reduces levels from the parts per billions to the parts per trillions. Making this a non issue in most larger municipalities.

    Of course continuing research is ongoing to improve these techniques and make them even more effective.


    Before and after Walkerton these efforts have been in place and have been making most Ontario municipal water supplies the most secure and highest quality in the world.


    If you have any questions feel free to drop me a line and I will be more then happy to answer any questions.



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