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Posts posted by bucktail

  1. My buddie who is about 200 yards down from me saw 2 does and 2 fawns. I am in a woodlot that connects two bedding areas with a number of trails. It seems when I see deer I see lots but when its dead there isnt much around.


    My other buddie saw 2 8 pointers in a field about 1/4 mile behind me so hopefully is just a waiting game.


    Leaves are still up so it is still hard to see much past 40 yards.

  2. Spent the weekend up at my Buddies cottage in Haliburton.

    Awesome weather and the fishing was just as good.

    Pulled in Thursday afternoon to a new lake i have never seen before. The weather was awesome 23 dgrees and sunny with no wind at all!






    Motoring across a deep flat between a weedbed and the lake basin I started to mark a few good hooks in 20 feet of water.

    After buying a new Loomis dropshot rod and picking Mark Kulik's brain i decided to break it out and see what i could do.


    Fished the dropshot on a 1/2 ounce weight and a stndup hook with a 5" Berkley wacky worm in watermellon.


    The first drop I hooked this on ........... right around the 4 pound mark.






    Sorry for the crappy photos as I was by myself.


    The next 2 drops down are rewarded with the smallest two fish, a largemouth and a smallie both about 2.5 pounds.





    Over the next hour I land 12 bass between 2.5 and 5 pounds all on the dropshot outfit! With probably a 4 pound average.......best hour I have had in years!

    I left the spot with smallies still pursuing there hooked brothers as to save if for the next day.

    Of course the next day they had moved but my buddie did lose a 5.5 at the side of the boat.


    Now I have the confidence in my dropshotting to fish it more often in the future.




  3. Interesting read on page 29 of this months In-Fisherman.

    It concerns fall fisihing for trophy smallmouth in excess of 20 feet.

    Some shocking results.

    12.8 percent of deep fish caught and released in fall tourneys in Rainy Lake died after release.

    Simcoe might even be worse as late in fall almost all of the fish are deeper then 20 feet.

    At this rate how long will the trophy supply of bass dwindle??


    Should you even fish for them then???


    Myself in the fall in Quinte will not fish below 30 feet as bringing up eyes from below that depth essentailly turns into a catch and keep and I am not comfortable fizzing fish, which is a whole nother conversation.


    Time to move the date of fall tourneys and the season in general up?



  4. You really need to go to a shop and ask to shoot a number of different bows to see what feels best. I cant stress this enough as everyone has there preferences and it will show in your shooting and confidence.

    I just got a Hoyt Katera, it was VERY expensise all decked out, but the guys at Gagnons spent 3 hours with me letting me try all of there bows.

    I narrowed it down to the Hoyt..............very smooth and forgiving.

    The Diamond ......... awesome back wall solid feel and the Matthews.

    Being an older shooter I still prefer a longer bow that is more forgiving then a smaller axel to axel bow

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