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Everything posted by fishinBrant

  1. does anyone use bite indicators. i seen one in the pro bass web site i thnk they are selling it for 10 bucks us i wanted to order it but buy the time you pay for shipping its like 30 bucks. NO THANKS !! do these things work any one use any .
  2. why is it some fisherman leave there poles unattended ? it seems like every time i go out i see it. at the beginning of the summer down in dover catching perch, i see a rod pulled of the pier into the water by a fish, and another by a boat got the fishing line wrapped around the motor and just last week again down on the grand a guy leaves his rod goes to the car to come back and found it in the river . I guess some ppl dont understand there are strong fish in these waters mainly carp who grab and run . has anyone else witness this
  3. very nice. the Grand really is under rated i love fishing the grand and when everything else fails . throw some corn on the line catch a carp lots of fun there.
  4. Very nice sounds like a lot of fun up there. 1 question how far out ( how deep ) you guys normally go out. i think its collingwood harbor we will put in right ?
  5. thanks for the tip. i will post my results let you all know how i made out . CANT WAIT
  6. i cant thank you guys enough !! i really look forward in trying some fishing up there we taking a small 14ft shallow bottom with portable down riggers we be camping at craighleigh park i hope its nice there. and i also have to add you right fishing is not time wasted lol
  7. i headed up to Collingwood camping in a few weeks, and i was wondering if that part of Georgian bay gets fished. I really don't want to look like a fool up there. you can always tell when someone is new to your area in how they fish. i am not looking for secrets or hot spots just hoping for a little info . thanks for your support guys ..
  8. i Googled nottawasaga bay for fishing came up pretty empty
  9. thank you for replying . rough waters is what i am worried about with the boat. I was hoping the fishing would be little better we do have down riggers we can throw on if needed. and thank you for the boat launch tip.
  10. hey guys. its been awhile i haven't been on here since the site has been changed. Just seems like its getting too hard to find time to fish. well i am glad to say i am back and i look forward meeting you all again. i live in brantford i do lots of river fishing , and perch fishing in port dover in my fathers 14 ft shallow bottom boat. i hate to do this but i do need a little bit of help. ( not the reason for coming back mind you ) i have been able to have my first weekend off so we going camping !!!!!! we are headed to CRAIGLEITH park . the question i have is i have only fished once up in Georgian bay with a lot bigger boat. 1. will i be ok using a 14ft shallow bottom boat up there. and 2. where can i put the boat in and how far out would i have to go to catch fish. id love to find out on my own but we only there for the weekend and i really wana make the most out of it and catch some fish lol.
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