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About lakeport

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  1. I was recently on shadow lake last week fishing for the elusive musky. However to my surprise I hooked into 2 nice size pike. Now I've heard pike are makng there way into the kawarthas but pike of this size is pretty concerning for our future musky fishing. I've heard of people killing the pike but when they reach this size I feel it is just cruel. Or killing any fish for that matter. But at the same time musky are hard enough to catch as it is. Hopefully these 2 species can co-exists on shadow. - very under rated lake
  2. I was recently on shadow lake last week fishing for the elusive musky. However to my surprise I hooked into 2 nice size pike. Now I've heard pike are makng there way into the kawarthas but pike if this size is pretty concerning for our future musky fishing. I've heard of people killing the pike but when they reach this size I feel it is just cruel. But at the same time musky are hard enough to catch as it is. Hopefully these 2 species can co-exists on shadow.
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