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Everything posted by Sounder82

  1. overall i think this is good for the fish and wildlife cause in ontario...but it begs the question... ...how much of this is earmarked for Darryl Cronzy (aka Choronzey)??? or will that be a different announcement.
  2. Hi all, Well, what a scorcher it was today in the Kitchener area. With the mercury bubbling around 34 degrees C + the humidity, I thought, what a great opportunity to head out to Valen's conservation area and doing some fishing, rowing, and soak up a few rays. I could not believe how many people were out on the beach enjoying the warm day, looks like a great place to take your family. The way things were going, I thought I should take a scenary pic 'cause I didn't think I would be catching anything to photo. For about the first hour, the only thing that got a bite was my foot - tons of deerflies and I forgot the OFF at home. But after that, the fishing picked up and caught my first two panfish, ever. I was surprised the kind of fight they put on my 6lb line and light spinning rod. This was my first (had another come off the hook), I am fairly certain it is a blue gill, but I'm sure someone will correct me. Just before heading in, i had another come off the hook, and then caught this one. I beleive its a black crappie, but agian, not 100% sure. All around, a great few hours on the lake, and will definitely be back.
  3. thanks for the info everyone, another question for you, how is the conestogo river for fishing the summer months compared to the grand river, i have driven by some sections of conestogo and don't see anyone out there, meanwhile, the elora area looks pretty busy lately. is it just thats where the fish are, or is the conestogo overlooked?
  4. hi all - new to the board and have recently moved to the kitchener area. i am aware of the policies of the forum with respect to naming of rivers, lets just say, i am interested in fishing the grand river. i have been out a couple times, with no luck, although i did see a beauty 20"+ jump right beside me and some smaller ones grabbing some insects. i don't fly fish, and am sort of novice-intermediate type spinning reel fisherman. i have read that you can have some luck on small spoons (silver mepps #0), jigs, etc. i am just wondering, how hard is it to catch browns these days with a spinning rod, what kind of a % of the fish being caught are on flies? i have some maps of the area and where some local pools are, and some books on order, i guess i am just looking for some direction on if i should just hang tight until september ish or go out and learn how to fly fish the river? i would also be interested in hook ups for any patient anglers out there in the area (i do know the basics, just not too familar with the river) - mainly been fishing georgian bay for salmon and shore fishing for bass. thanks,
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