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About pro190

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    Orleans, Ontario

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  1. Does anyone know where you can purchase a ski pylon - either a dealer or online? My boat dealer charges $400 and I'm sure there are better deals out there. When I search the net all the good deals are from the US in the $250 range so I'm guessing that with exchange, duties and shipping, I'm not really saving. Is there a good and reputable Canadian site? Sorry for cutting into the conversation but it was the only ski pylon discussion I found in the search field. Thanks, Kevin
  2. That was one INCREDIBLE bass! Congrats!
  3. Hi, It was my boat that was stolen and it was stolen from the east end of Ottawa (Orleans area).
  4. Here's the info on my stolen boat and trailer witha couple of pics taken the day I brougth her home for the first time....: License #ON783833 HIN # PLX10547E708 Shorelander Trailer S/N 1MDGS8N168A390779 Plate D3177X
  5. Ya, I have insurance so no worries there... just sucks at the timing. Have a September fishing trip planned and losing the boat now puts a dent in the plans. Need to rethink the trip.
  6. I agree... if they are determined, then there isn't much that is going to stop them. I live in a new development and thought I was immune to this happening ... live and learn, no place is 100% safe. I like the idea of a DVR system... will also help keep an eye on the annoying door knockers too. I've got a coupler lock and a GPS tracking unit ready for the next boat I get once insurance settles.
  7. Had my boat stolen from my driveway on Saturday night. It was a 2007 Legend Xcalibur with 75hp Merc, fishfinder, trolling motor etc, etc... My 4 fishing rods were in the boat too All they left me was a couple of skid marks and broken chocks. Does anyone know of a decent yet affordable way of securing their boat/trailer against theft? I was thinking of a "boot" like they use for cars but the ones I've seen so far are fairly expensive. The next boat (I doubt the old one will be recovered) will have GPS tracking installed so if this ever happened again I should get some satisfaction of having the thief caught. Need2fish = needs a boat ... and a rod. Kevin
  8. I'm planning to fish for lake trout for the first time and was hoping someone could give me pointers on locating lake trout in the spring. From what I've found on the web so far, they will be fairly shallow but beyond that I can't seem to find anything telling me what I should look for as a likely area (structure/habitat). I'm planning on going to Lake Ontario and trolling for them. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I just bought some size "0" dipsy divers to use this spring but for some reason I can't figure out the depth chart that was supplied. The line out in feet gives me 2 numbers for each base plate setting at each desired depth. For example: with base plate setting "0" and a desired depth of 10 feet it gives the numbers 21 / 18 for the amount of line out in feet. At the far end of the scale, with base setting 3 and a desired depth of 10 feet, the line out numbers are 43 / 34. What do the 2 numbers mean for the line out? Please enlighten me!
  10. Hi everyone, I thought I would expand my fishing experience this year to include trout fishing. I've only ever fished for bass, walleye and pike so I am doing some research to see what I need to take on trout in Lake Ontario. I'm hoping the group here can give me a head start on my research and provide me some recommendations (that won't break the bank) on rods, reels, lures and tactics that would help me in this new pursuit. I live in Orleans (suburb of Ottawa) so I will begin my search of trout out of the Kingston/Belleville area. I've never fished Lake Ontario so if someone knows of a good boat launch area, that would be greatly appreciated as well. Thanks for your help.
  11. Yes, its reading depth accurately and I typically fish less than 30 feet of water. I've experimented with different depth settings - 5 or 6 feet to the 30 foot range and I do see bottom structure. I've also adjusted the angle of the transducer, washed it to make sure there's no gunk/build up on it.
  12. I have a Lowrance X50-DS sonar (came new with boat) that I have been trying to set up to help aid in locating fish but it just doesn't seem to work - as in no fish arches. I've read that the best way to use sonar is to manually set your settings so I've spent the last few fishing trips experimenting with a manual set up and everything seems good except no fish arches. I know there are fish down there because I can sometimes see them and catch them but nothing on my display. I've been through my manual many times, checked the angle/alignment of the transducer, been to the Lowrance website etc. etc. but still nothing seems to work. Of course, when I set everything to auto and use the fish ID symbol I see lots of potential targets (some real, some not) but as soon as I switch to manual it all disappears!! Does anyone else have this model and can perhaps offer tips that may work? Appreciate any help. Thanks Kevin
  13. I went fishing with my son this past weekend on Big Rideau Lake and I think I may have made him a life long fisherman. He's 14 and a big time city kid and as a result has only really fished a few times in his life and never had much luck - never anything bigger than pan fish. This all contributed to a low interest in fishing for him. A month ago we bought our first boat and this has helped to generate a little more interest in fishing. That has changed... I've always heard stories or read magazine articles of finding a magical place on the water where the fish are just lining up to get caught. As luck would have it we found that fishing paradise on the Big Rideau. The fishing Gods were smiling on us that day and we both enjoyed the best bass fishing of our lives. It was topped off by my son catching AND landing a 16" and 18" smallmouth bass at the same time on a white Big "O"!! If I wasn't there to witness it I wouldn't have believed it - 2 at once!! He's been talking about it all week to anyone who would listen. It's what fishing dreams are made of and I think those 2 smallmouth landed him as a life long fisherman. He's started asking me to go fish! Yahooo! Out of curiosity has this happened to others? I'm curious to know how often or rare this happens. As I said he was using a big "O" and eash bass grabbed a separate hook.
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