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Everything posted by Kansas

  1. My once a year trip report! After having a great time last August fishing Lake Erie with my son and guide Frank Dimarcantonio, my daughter thought she tag along this year as we ventured to Lake Seneca in the Finger Lakes region of New York. Was only 3 1/2 hours from Toronto and an easy drive. Started Friday Aug. 17th at 5:30 and went for lake trout initially as the small mouth were off all season. Weather was perfect which meant fish were off. Did take in five nice lake trout though Caitlin's first and personal best with Captain Don. Only small mouth of day one...she's all smiles Day two - last Saturday - was brutal. Cold, windy and 2 - 3 foot waves. Great for fishing! Another six lakers right off the bat, then drifted for small mount. 26 caught that day in total. Would definitely go back there again. Nothing better than a great weekend with the kids. Robert aka Kansas
  2. Couldn't check the reposnse this weekend but just did this morning and wanted to say thanks! Thought I was asking a dumb question but certainly learned alot...Surprised at the responses Really appreciate the info everyone. Will follow all the advice and hopefully have an easier time in the spring! Robert
  3. Thanks for the responses... I was kinda leaning toward bringing the spooled reels indoors so will give that a try this year. Normally I just store in the garage, then in the early spring take off the fly line and soak in warm water to remove the "memory" etc, then re-spool. But I think you are both right about bringing indoors... the cold temp must affect longevity - maybe makes the line more brittle? Will keep them in the dresser drawer where my wife keeps her nightgowns, so they can remain comfy cozy until the thaw! Just hope she doesn't fine 'em first! Thanks again... Robert
  4. Just wondering what is suggested as far as storing reels in the winter. I have typically stored my fly rods and reels in the garage with the line and backing left on the reel. Since it does get pretty cold in there was wondering if it best to remove the fly line at least, put on the spool and store in a warmer place. Or simply store the whole reel indoors. Think I'm losing some life on the line and it's getting to be expensive! Thanks for any response, criticism, joke.... Robert (aka Kansas)
  5. Can now go direct from your computer...just browse and click Easy!
  6. Just tried mine...there was a "image scale on" at the bottom that supposedly re-sized it automatically. Looking to see if it worked!
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