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About brownsound1113

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  1. I was at Balsam Lake last Sunday and did quite well, the only problem was a lot of the fish caught were in the slot limits. Although it was prime walleye condition out there with the cloudy and breezy weather. This weekend its suppose to be sunny so it will undoubtable be a bit harder.
  2. All these kids know that they are protected under the YOA. I'm all for giving kids a second chance, but certain things need to be severely punished. Gang violence and crimes where the safety and security of a person is threatened need to be treated as serious offences. Also, this crap about not publishing the names is bull. The public should know which kids in society are misguided and need to be re-educated on how to live peacefully. Besides, shame can be a powerful motivator too. The shame will be the kid's and the parent's and may force some real results.
  3. Thanks ccmtcanada. Your right the season is young and I'm not worried!
  4. I had no doubt that guys in the tournament did well. Simcoe is a great lake for Bass. My crew and I just were able to reap the bounties on the day.
  5. Hi guys, I've been lurking around this board for a while now but figured it was time for me to come out of the shadows and make a contribution. Like most on this board, I've been gearing up for the Bass Opener for weeks and made plans with my dad and a couple of friends to hit one of my favorite spots on Lake Simcoe (not the Cook's Bay area) this past Sunday. I saw the posts to avoid Simcoe this weekend as there was a tournament going on, but we've done really well there in the past and I figured there would be lots of fish for everyone. We headed out a bit later than planned but still got onto the lake at 7:30. Unfortunately fishing was slow the entire day and we didn't pull up any of the Smallies that we were targetting. In fact, I didn't see anyone, including the guys involved in the tournament pickup anything in the spots we were fishing. Even though the day turned out to be a scorcher the water was pretty cold so I figure that the Smallies were laying low in the rocks to take in the heat, but we were never able to induce any bites. We did pull up a number of nice perch though, in the 7 to 10 inch range, so the day wasn't totally bad. On a side note, this is a great board!!
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