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Posts posted by scuro

  1. I think he looking to go out fishing with other members, so he can continue gaining life experiences giving him something to write about.

    I think he actually wants to write a book and needs material. If you are looking to attract Moosebunk's muse so you too can catch monsterous fish, first you have to BE Moosebunk. That starts early in the morning with a breakfast composing of a wallop of lard, some toasted bagel slices on the side, and you wash it down with Baileys with a good nip of coffee mixed in.

  2. SCHOOL HAS ALMOST bitten the DUST for one more go around. My working day at SCHOOL ends at 200 pm this coming Thursday. I'm on a plane heading to BC 4 hours later. Up to Terrace BC the next day. Spooning Chinook on the Skenna river the following morning. :D <- this silly icony thingy doesn't even remotely do my grin justice.

  3. Thanks for sharing, I always enjoy looking at family fishing trip threads. Inevitably the story is always the family. I've been in your shoes. You pack up the family with dreams of fishing Nivarna and the fishing is less then stellar due to conditions. You are right, there will be more days to fish. Enjoy them while they are young. My "baby" :o is turning 15 this year.

  4. I'm a Special Education teacher and I wouldn't want any other job, besides possibly a very well paid independent artist. But hey that job doesn't exist so I'm happy and satisfied where I am. Most of the summer off is a big plus and it's always the carrot in front of me when things are trying. Another 10 days then I'm off to BC for fishing and spending time with family. :)

  5. Cherry says it like it is.....not like the politically correct Bull we have been force-fed from the bleeding heart types. I have more respect for Don than all of our political leaders combined.




    Come now, Cherry as a demigod? I see those outfits he wears and think all he needs is the orange wig, red lipstick and red nose and the transformation would be complete. Bozo the angry clown. ;) Besides if he was perfect what is he doing working for the nationalized communist CBC?

  6. To the originator of this thread. You've been here since the beginning of our re-vamped board. Ok, two days late but you were here all the same.

    I'm puzzled as to why you'd ask for this poll. You've been through 3 of the same polls (voted on one of them) since you've been here and the results have always been the same. People want it to stay as it is.

    Since you've been here, (a year and a half on the new board) you've started 7 topics, three of which were today. Of those seven topics, three of them were gambling type topics as in NHL/NFL pools. One was to ask for advice on the Ottawa..an OOD topic today (thank you) and hey! ONE fishing report!

    What is it that you don't understand about non fishing topics? You could probably just be trying to get a rise out of the membres here..I don't know.

    We've been at this for 10 years now and we have one of the strongest net/life communities in the world right now.

    Tell me what you're thinking........




    The board as is, will continue to grow. Controversy breeds reader interest, it also breeds other things. This thread is a case in point. Where I work we don't make decisions by voting. In politics decisions are not always made by voting. Sometimes decisions are made because they are simply the right decisions. I see a growing antagonism here on the board where some contributors are posting to get a rise out of others or pushing their political viewpoints. That is great for total hits statistics, if that is the goal then full steam ahead. If the goal is to build a strong lasting community where everyone feels welcome, the overall tone of the board needs fine tuning. You can do that by creating a NF forum, or you can do it other ways, or you can leave it as is. To do nothing is a choice.

  7. HUH, I have seen, experience and heard the complete opposite. And in Europe I hear that you can't squeeze out a nickel from them folks.


    Maybe their service is not up to standards to the those Yanks who are not tipping well. Are you referring to restaurant people or some other kind of service ?


    Europeans don't tip much in their own countries because in some countries tipping is factored into the price. They may tip above and beyond that if the service is excellent. Now that I have put that totally off topic post to bed...can we get back to the topic at hand?


    Personally I'd like to only hear from those who work in the industry or use charters frequently.

  8. I'm going on the assumption that the rate offered is the going rate, and that the price reflects a suitable profit for the operator.


    There is no second mate with whom I'm booking, as far as I know the operator will be doing: set up and assist in netting the fish, along with the other duties and responsibilities. So I'm guessing tips are typical in this situation. Assuming they did their job well, what tip do you leave?

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