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Posts posted by scuro

  1. 12yr Delwinnie. 12yr Highland Park. 8=12yr Belvinnie single cask... Yep Glenfiddich is garbage.


    And if you are going to mix it Teachers is good enough for you... lol


    l would start talking about the 16-18-20 and the 25yr old stuff but l cant afford it so no point in teasing...


    Since someone did mention Irish Whiskeys,v Glenlivet 18yr... Bushmills 16 yr... and my favorite 12yr Red Breast

    Peace Ken


    I just knew it, Ken reeked of gifted skill sets right from the start of his posts...but I couldn't put my finger on it. :worthy: We had to wait for the scotch thread for his talents to surface. B)

  2. I have a few questions.....

    Gettin royally screwed around with TD tryin to set up a mortgage.


    Any virgin home purchasing tips are always welcome.


    -buy with 25% down...it saves you a chunk of change.

    -look around...I've had a few mortgages, sometimes there is a real difference.

    -if credit history is a problem, I have heard that BMO is the best to deal with.

  3. Beats being at work......I think. lol! Now what would the wind chill be at those temps and speed you were traveling at? Here's a tip for the next time your in those cold conditions ripping up the lake......snowmobile helmet. ;) Thanks for the report!


    What happens if you like work? :whistling:

  4. A beauty report. I have fished Europe, and although many have seen monster pike shots from Europe, the reality is that generally all of your backyard fishing is highly regulated and highly pressured. While certain types of fish here can be pressured, it's amazing what most fishermen leave completely untargeted, even in the most populated areas.

  5. For an all purpose utility lure I would have to say a little cleo. Unlike many of the other choices it works on most species, can be fished throughout the water column, and more importantly can be chucked a good distance accurately. In my mind a wormharness doesn't count because it uses live bait. :blahblah1:

  6. With the Canadian dollar up 20% in the year has anyone looked to see where the buck can go farther this year? Here are a few ideas:

    -some places offer prices in both Canadian and American dollars. Can you pay in American if they still use old spreads?

    -any US trips looking a lot more attractive this year?

    -Canadian establishments that only take US$?

    -any place offering deals?

    -other ways to stretch your steroid injected dollar?

  7. I would pick Saltspring Island off of Vancouver island. It's big enough that it has decent shopping. Great summer climate and just a little less damp then Vancouver. If you miss the snow, head to Whistler. You are a short ferry ride away from awesome saltwater fishing and freshwater fishing. There is even decent fishing on the island. Just a very beautiful corner of this world.


    Out east looks nice too. Perhaps some place central so you would be close enough to PEI, Newfoundland, Cape Breton and Southern Nova Scotia shore. What I have seen of Northern Quebec is also great.


    If it had to be Ontario, then I would want to be above the hummid/smog belt which can extend to Sudbury/Northbay. The Nipigon area is awesome, Tamagami, and LOTW.

  8. Well where to begin here, other than dang AWSOME!!!!!!!


    The Bunk posted, and I was on a long shot with the wife to say yes, I mean it was 5 days notice


    Well Asked the Wife (Roxy) and the 1st Thing I said was I got a favor to ask She replies " Are you going out for milk?"Thats kinda the code for I'm goin fishin with Bunk Yes hun...... No hesitation, well we had better go shoppin


    Well I got my gear set, borrwed a few heavier rods From Rob, and I was packed.


    Takin the bus there was the best choice, it was mid week after all. Well the bus and train did not conect gettin there or home, so it was a hotel either way. Well bus 10am Wed am, ready, I'm there.... Well the guy comes to me and says Where ya headin?" I say Cochrane, he says"No your not" What the heck?? Well seems ONL (Ontario North Land) Busses are on picket............. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! Well in true fasion I call my wife and say guess the trips over b4 it began.... She says "Take a cab here, need to do a few things, and we will load the van" What else to say about my lovely other than she IS THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    So, try to shorten it up here.. Got on the trian, wound up in the Moose for bout 2pm on the Thurs, and well you saw the report, the rest is there


    Then out on Thurs, meet up with Roxy, her best friend Wanda and her fiance Bear (We call him that cause he kinda reminds me of Hoss )


    Well we crash in Cochrane on the Thurs (Train got in bout 10pm) Well on the way home the girls had a plan to spend a night somewhere in a resort or cabin type thing


    Well on route we stopped for chow in Kirkland Lake, we happened upon the place called GIM'S


    Well if anyone ever want's to eat in the KL area, holy ol shyte don't look any further than this place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The food was AMAZING, and the service was just the same!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be back there for sure!!!!


    Well we ended up thinkin it was a one night thing, but the girls behind our backs got us all 2 nights at Temagami Shores resort!!! What a stellar place, food, and staff, almost felt like Kesagami all over, except the fishinYa we went out on Sat in the snow rain and sleet only to get soaked, and SKUNKED


    Then today made our 4hr desent to the O-Town and arrived in fine fasion, tired, but well all round.


    In closing, I cannot say what a FANTASTIC lad Bunk is, and aswell as his lovely new bride Brenda, and of course his 2 angels Summer and Leah. Thank you guys so much for havin me, and I can't begin to say how great you guy's are!!!!


    And for Brother Bunk, buddy you sure made me a believer on the Johnson's bro, wicked spoon!!!! Your food was the best ever, can't beleive we ate like king's in the bush, man you know what to pack to ensure a wicked feast!!!


    This is our 5th trip we have taken for chasin the fishies, and if anyone ever has the opp to fish with Bunkster, you'll kick yourself till the end of day's for passin it up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Thanks sooooooooooooooooooo much bro, for makin this a trip I will NEVER forget!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    . o 0 ( I wonder if he one handed pecked out the whole thing while drinking a beer and having a smoke with the other hand...) :P

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