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Everything posted by muskymax

  1. Hello Fishing Fanatics, I came across this interesting article a few days ago, talking about how forensics is now being used to validate and authenticate the fish photos being submitted for the fishing tournaments. In this article are a few tips for spotting an image that has been photoshopped. Forensic verification for fishing photoshopped images
  2. Ya I think so, i shed a few tears when i read that story.
  3. Hello Fishermen and Fisherwomen, I came across this article last night about Leaha Trew from Santa Rosa, California who caught a 22 pound, 8 ounce largemouth bass in Spring Lake on August 24, 2003. However she released the fish and basically through away the chance of winning 8 million dollars. WOW that must hurt big time. Check out the article: http://www.hunting-fishing-gear.com/article-display/587.html
  4. Hello again, I was thinking what your favorite Hollywood sea creature of all time is? After some deep thinking besides Jaws which is definitely the most popular, I would say the Opee Sea Killer from star wars is my favorite. The Opee Sea Killer swims via a remarkable example of organic jet propulsion. The Opee draws in water through its mouth, and forces it through openings beneath its armored plates, giving it impressive speed over short distances. The three pairs of armored legs assist in this pumping motion, as do a pair of pectoral guidance fins. The long antenna-like stalks growing from the Opee sea killer's head are actually lures that the beast uses to attract prey. Opees are mouth breeders -- the male Opee carries and protects fertilized eggs in his mouth. He fasts for three months as the eggs mature, which then hatch producing hungry young killers. There are reports of the Opee's deep sea rival, the colo claw fish, inadvertently swallowing young hatchlings whole, only to be killed when the hungry youngsters chew their way out of their captor's stomach. It also meaures 20 metres long. Now who wants to go fishing in the same waters as Opee?
  5. Hey guys, What is the weirdest catch or weirdest thing you have ever seen while fishing? My weird thing i saw while fishing was a huge bear swimming right next to my boat. It was scary and surreal at the same time.
  6. Photoshop or not that video really freaked me out!!
  7. I just stumbled onto this freaky video of two Carps with a humanish looking face. Very strange: check it out
  8. Ya Lonnie King has a lot of pictures and stories on the Bounty Fishing website with some pretty impressive fish. Lonnie King
  9. Good Afternoon Fishermen, I came across this interesting fact earlier today about what Garfish daily diet includes. According to the In-Fisherman magazine: GarFish Diet Details: Species % of total food items Gizzard Shad 26.4 Channel Catfish 14.9 Freshwater Drum 12.6 Bluegill, redear and other sunfish 7.9 Spotted Sucker 6.8 White Bass 4.5 Largemouth Bass 3.4 Spotted Gar 3.4 Crappie 2.2 Lake Chubsucker 2.2 Carp 1.1 Feel free to post your comments or other cool fishing facts below.
  10. Hey Roy, I clearly said that the picture is not of me it is of my friend... and yes it is Mike Lazarus.
  11. well i found this picture in another forum, supposedly this Longnose gar is 19lbs-7ozs and 58 inches long.
  12. LOL, just making sure. What kind of fish do you normally go after?
  13. Ya that one was not released, it was the biggest musky I ever caught but my friend caught this Striped Bass and he released it. It was huge!!! There are more pics of this beast in the gallery: http://www.bountyfishing.com/gallery/this-is-how-we-do-it Just to time consuming to upload them all one by one
  14. Yes i guess so, Have you fished in Quebec yet?
  15. Check out this scary looking Payara Now who wants to take a swim in the same river?
  16. Hey Fisherman, I am a fisherman from Montreal, i usually fish for Musky and Walleyes throughout Quebec. However I am going to Florida in a few weeks, does anyone have any good fishing spots to check out? Musky Max
  17. my apologies Fishing God, got a little anxious. Wont happen again.
  18. hey ccmt Canada, nice fish.
  19. Greetings fishing fanatics, What is the longest fish you have ever caught? Please indicate the length, species and picture if possible. The longest fish i ever caught was a Musky in the Lake of two mountains in Montreal Canada. It was 56.5 inches long and weighed 48 pounds. Also check out the remainder of my pictures here: Visit My Fishing Gallery
  20. Hey welcome back Fishergirl. That is an impressive King Chinook Salmon. Even though I am new to this blog, I am a frequent blogger on Bounty Fishing. They have fishing competition that begins July 2 where you win cash prizes for the longest fish per specie and its fairly simple all you need to do is send in a picture of the fish you caught with a tape measure next to it. Bounty Fishing Tournament
  21. Hey guys I am new to this forum, but I am a huge Musky fanatic. For some reason the Admin is not letting me yet upload pics or avatar. But check out this mean Musky. This fish was caught in the Lake of two mountains in Montreal Canada. It was 56.5 inches long, 26.5 inches wide and weighed 48 pounds. http://www.bountyfishing.com/gallery/super-musky
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