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Everything posted by Basstard

  1. Decka Marine Deep Cycle Batteries are really good...............
  2. wow i cant believe you guys are talking about CO's bending rules and disputing over rights to enter your cabin etc........id be more than happy to let them come in and search where ever they want........with limited budgets and cut backs they are facing they do everything they can to keep the fish in the lake so websites like this can even exist.........unbelievable............you ppl whining about CO's breaking rules and entering your cabins are probably the same ppl that whine when they get a speeding ticket..........................probably not your fault either is it...............
  3. I use to fish that lake all the time, mostly in the winter. We would slay the pike near the little islands in the middle of the lake off the points. Lots of pike, nothing over 10 lbs though but lots of fun.
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