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Posts posted by musky66

  1. Yep, been catching Pike and Tigers for the last few years in Balsam. Swore I would keep any Pike for the table- haven't done it yet though. Wonder if all the people who fish Balsam were to keep all Pike caught if it would make a difference in the population?

  2. You may eventually find a way to make your boat perform better with the existing motor- but you will be severely limited n the weather and lake conditions you can SAFELY fish in. Mu boat was similar to your in being underpowered and it really hit home one day on Balsam lake when my buddy and I were literally being stopped in our tracks at WOT by a strong wind and waves. It cost me a fortune to upgrade ( compared to buying the correct motor on the boat in the first place ) but it was the best money I have spent on fishing (next to my Beckman net!)

  3. Laying them on the carpet is not the best for them (not the worst either!) If you plane on targeting Musky, please invest in a decent net, and use it to release the fish from- still in the water. For photo's, keep them in the net until you're ready- lift 'em out, take pic, back in the water for release. Nice fish all the same!

  4. It is a big issue when a million dollar boat gets dinged or has line hanging from it. I work security at a Marina and we will not let people fish from the docks or enclosed shoreline. We try to discourage boaters from fishing for the above reasons but we haven't been called on the law yet. I understand both sides of the argument but some fishermen are so darn rude and uncaring it does ruin it for all.

  5. Anyone notice how the same few anglers place high every year? I have been in it several times- I thought the 5 Pike limit would be a breeze with the time I had put into that Lake- boy was I humbled! My son and I placed as high s 15th one year- took a full stringer of 30" fish to get there- it is certainly harder than it looks. Mike seems like a nice guy but he sure seems to know the lake better than most. I don't donate my money anymore.

  6. Forget crimping- use a leader loop with a drop of crazy glue. I have no problems with tying 130 lb. for Musky, do as Lew says and melt the end of the tag end to ensure a no slip knot. Knots will still appear to be a little loose but I keep them under some tension until the glue sets (30 sec). I went all last season with the same two leaders on my 'ski rigs- checking for nicks or rough spots- caught probably over 30 fish between them. No 50's last season but plenty of mid to high 40's with no problems- I have caught up to 51" with my floro leaders- I will never go back to wire leaders again! I use 80 lb. Seaguar for Pike and Walleye as well.

  7. I wouldn't use the Red Wolf products myself- poor quality in my opinion. A couple of real 'devles would be better.

    I wouldn't go for Pike now without a couple of Rapala X raps, a white spinner bait and a sluggo or something similiar to dead bait.

  8. Put one on my 115 Yamaha 4 stroke and love it. Had to order a special one that mounted to a bracket I installed on the trailer cross member since I didn't have the rear mounted roller cross member on my trailer. If you don't use one with a smaller motor I think I would still wedge a piece of 2X4 in there to take the stress off the hydraulics.

  9. I bought my used Starcraft with a 4 stroke 50 hp on it- it was rated for a 125 max+ big mistake! 5o was fine with 2 adults in calm water- but if I was fighting the wind- I would be pushed backwards! Cost me a small fortune to upgrade to a Yamy 115 fuelie but what a difference! I knew better but let the dealer and my finances talk me into the purchase. I had a wide 14' tinny with the max 25 hp 2 stroke on it and it would tube an adult with 2 adults in the boat as well!

  10. I was joined up for a year. I was only able to make one meeting but I really enjoyed it. A nice bunch of guys, a cheap lure swap, some good info (just happened to be a session on my favorite Musky lake that night!) and an interesting guest speaker. If I could I would still belong.

  11. Put some old Ice Rink board plastic under my hut runners once- way slippery! Used the thinner 1/4" stuff from the top rail of the boards on the underside of the 2x8" runners and it was easy to pull. Hard to find that type of plastic in rinks anymore though- new dasher systems don't use it. Ask the rink staff nicely at an older facility and you may get lucky!

  12. Most search for Pike in the relative shallows of Cook Bay on Simcoe- approximately 6-8' deep or so. I have taken one as deep as 50' at Roches point on a spreader meant for Whities. Some dangle live bait at one side of the hole (in a hut) while working a spoon next to it. Pike attracted by the spoon flash may hit the minnow instead. Smaller Pike will often rush right in all crazy like, while the bigguns' will often be spied sliding along beside the hole- checking things out!

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