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Everything posted by jjjiggin

  1. 12yr old Jacob's 6.1lb/22 inch LM bass!! Caught on small southern Ontario inland lake. 4" rubber worm texas rigged. One of 18 he pulled in that day (17LM & 1 SM), as well as 2 northern pike! Totally outfished his old man on this day!
  2. Victor, Pretty sure my son and I fished right next to you on Sunday! Was your group in two blue rented boats?? That deer passed right by us as well!!! (by the rocks and weeds in the NW corner of lake) My 10 yr old and I caught roughly 18 bass that day and 1 pike! The wind was tough and the weather was strange. Hot when the sun was out and darn cold when it wasn't! It was interesting to see photo of your "aunt". My boy and I thought was a child from the distance!! Tight Lines! JJJiggin
  3. Thanks Bucktail! Have you fished Dalrymple? Is it similiar (rocks)? I find Dalrymple deadly for rocks! Still enjoy fishing it tho, and have had great success!! JJJiggin
  4. Considering trying "Head Lake" (between Dalrymple and Balsam) next weekend. Has anyone fished it recently? Any luck? Advice? Most importantly - how and where is the launch?? I fish with my 10 year old so the launch needs to be half decent! Thanks, JJJiggin This is my 10 yr old with a couple of bass from Balsam!!
  5. Where is "dokus"? Thank you for suggestions! JJJiggin
  6. Just bought my first fishing boat this past fall(06). It is a 89 bass tracker 17' TX tournament. I love the boat but it is definetly a small water vessel! I am looking (and learning) for smaller lakes to take my 9 yr old boy fishing. I had hoped to find some locations this spring to fish for walleye. The fish do not need to be large but plentiful would be nice,so as to appease my less than patient son! We live in Barrie, Ontario and would like some destinations that are within 3 hours to build some memories. I have fished Nippissing in the past (with success & guides) but I am concerned that the lake is way too rough for my little boat. Is there areas of this lake that are appropriate? Any help or advise would be gratefully appreciated. JJJiggin
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